| Chapter III |

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Alex's Pov

Ever since I moved into my grandparents' home, things have finally started to work out for me.

I loved seeing my mother so happy because it's been a while ever since dad left us. Even my sister found a job with good pay doing something she loved.

During high school, I was the popular guy who people loved to have around, although those days were probably the hardest times of my life. I had problems of my own. Those people wanted me around but they were never there for me.

Charlie was there for me.

It's been a while since I've talked to her and I missed her so much. I wish I could see her. She wasn't only my girlfriend but she was my best friend.

I started university already, I wasn't smart enough like Charlie to get a scholarship but at least I was accepted. She never did mention the university she went to.

Lately, Charlie and I didn't tell each other a lot of things but I still found that piece of missing information very odd.

With her on my mind I find myself opening my phone to call her only to find a voice message left from her.

"Hey Alex. It's me, Charlie. I was hoping you would call me back, I have something important to tell you."

I find myself listening to it more than once before smiling and calling her. I miss her voice. I had to talk to her now! The phone rings for a moment before the line picks up.

"Hello?" I was surprised by how breathy her voice sounds.

It was almost as if she were panting.

"Char? Is that you?"

"Alex?" And this time I recognize her voice. It really was her. "You finally picked up, almost thought you forgot about me."

"I could never," I say without hesitation. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." Those words alone brought a smile on my face. I hear the fiddling of the doorknob in the background before the sound of the door being pushed open. "I'm guessing you heard my voicemail and about-"

Her voice was cut off by a gasp that sounds faintly like her own.

"Nice underwear you have here," the voice went, a hint of scorn in his tone. It was deep and had definitely belonged to another male. "Are you saving it for something special tonight?"

I think both Charlie and I choke at the same time. I shoot out of my bed, a look of rage on my face.

"Who the hell is that?!" I snap. I hope that I was jumping to conclusions, but what else could I make out of those words?

I hear a couple of noises before the door slams shut again.

"Sorry that was my roommate," Charlie says quickly, her voice sounded flustered. "I just moved into my dorms and there was a slight mix-up, but I'll be transferred to another dorm soon."

She was roommates with a guy?

A perverted guy for that matter!

"Alex?" She calls again and my eyes flutter close before I sigh.

This was Charlie I was talking about, I remind myself. She was way too insecure to even acknowledge another guy's presence. I had nothing to worry about; she was crazy about me, nobody else.

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