| Chapter XXX |

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When I come back home, I'm completely exhausted from the night out with Jack. Hayden is already asleep, sprawled on my bed again.

Smiling, I slowly make my way towards the bed and slip into the covers, just right next to him. He stirs in his sleep, turning around and facing me with his eyes still shut, but I know he's awake now. He just doesn't want to open those beautiful eyes of his yet.

I run my hand through his black wisps of hair, wondering how long I'll have to keep the way I feel a secret.

I'm just so afraid of everyone finding out, especially Alex. For once, I just want to keep this to myself.

He blinks his eyes open and yawns, chuckling when I find myself copying his actions. I can't help it, my eyes suddenly feel drowsy as I smile sheepishly.

"Hi," I whisper softly, our faces less than a few centimeters away. The bed is just the right size to fit both of our bodies on it.

"Hey." He speaks gently, pulling me closer and tangling our legs together. His eyes flutter shut once again but there's a ghost of a smile drawn onto his lips.

I scan his features as if to memorize them. I can't help it. He's so beautiful.



"Why weren't you at the play today?" I ask, my head pressed against his chest as I bit my lip worriedly, I'm afraid he will shut me out again like he always does. I know he doesn't mean to, he just thinks it's better if I don't know because he's always telling me everything isn't a big deal.

That's just who he is I guess. Never taking anything seriously, always so carefree.

I hope he doesn't think his problems weren't as important. Because I made it clear that they are and I'd do it again and again until he can finally start opening up more often.

Even with my life being as crazy as it is and I can hardly catch up with it, I still want to listen to his problems and be there for him. No matter how small they were.

"I was out with my dad; he said he wanted to talk to me." Is his response and I lean back to look at him, surprised by his answer.

"Well?" I urge. "How did it go?"

"He wants me to drop out of school, says I don't need it and that I can easily take over his businesses." I prop up on my elbow to look down at him more clearly, not liking what I just heard at all.

Hayden opens his eyes to give me a look when he notices how silent I've become, one that says he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

"What do you want to do?" I ask and he sighs.

"That's the thing," he says, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I'm not like you, I didn't have dreams or anything growing up, I just went to school because that's what everyone else was doing." He shrugs when he says that.

"But you're smart; you could do anything you want. You're taking business and you've studied it all your life so you're basically training yourself to take over the business; there'll be no difference if you drop out now right?" I say, searching his eyes and wondering what is going on in his head.

Whatever Hayden wants, I'll make sure to support him.

"Do you even want to major in business?" I ask again, my eyes probing. "Do you think that's something you see yourself doing for the rest of your life? Something that will make you happy?"

"I don't know..." he trails off and I sigh.

"I think you know," I start and his eyes quickly find mine. "I think you want to take over the business and make your father proud. You said it yourself, you don't have any dreams but maybe your dream can be to fulfill your father's dream."

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