Lil Xan Concert

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Cleo's POV

I repositioned myself for the third or fourth time on the all leather seats of Theo's Lamborghini. I was in my slut outfit that the gang had chosen for me and it turns out....dressing like a whore is not comfortable. We pulled up to the venue that the concert was being held,

"Lil Xan and Noah Cyrus performing tonight!" - a big sign outside of the venue read. I was starting to get a little bit nervous.

Billie whispered good luck in my ear and told me to put my phone on vibrate, I quickly did so and exited the car, walking into the building. I showed security my ticket and the guard winked at me. Damn those highlights worked, I chuckled to myself. I had to piss so bad, so I went straight to the bathroom.

When I came out of the stall, I realized that the girl I had been shown in the pictures....Lil Xan's girlfriend Noah I think? Fuck I was blanking...she was standing at the sink mirror putting lipstick on her lips. She saw me looking at her from behind and turned around smiling.

"I thought I was alone in here! I locked the main entrance into this bathroom when I came dressing room smells like fucking weed from Diego. You a fan of mine or his?" She asked and turned back towards the mirror.

"Uhh...both," I mumbled.

She smiled as I walked towards the sink to wash my hands,

"What's your name?" She asked.


"You're cute Cleo. I dig blondes. You into girls?" She asked nonchalantly. I thought she was Xan's girlfriend? Maybe she had a friend in mind for me or something...focus on the heist Cleo...

"I like girls and guys....I figured you just liked Lil Xan," I replied.

Smooth. Okay. She seemed to be wearing a pleased facial that I said I was bisexual.

"Diego," she corrected me, "I never call him Lil Xan. D and I like to have fun with girls together, we love each other but....we like playing with others too," she winked at me and started to twirl the bottom of my hair while she bit her lip.

"Who are you here with tonight Cleo?"

Shit. No one comes to concerts alone....

"My friends, but they ditched me, I'd rather hangout with you anyway obviously," I laughed, what a fake fan I was.

"Want to come backstage for the show? Maybe after we I have a feeling Diego would think you're sexy as hell."

"I want to go anywhere you go," I replied.

She grabbed my hand and we exited the bathrooms with her security, she led me to a couch backstage and had me sit there during their performances. She came back to check on me every so often, making sure her pet didn't escape.

I checked my phone,


How is it going? Do the hair flip thing you do with me...and bite your bottom lip like you do when you're nervous. It drives me crazy I bet Xan would like it too. Let me know when you're going to be alone with him so I can sweep in before you actually have to fuck that loser.

What the fuck Raj? Drives him crazy? Jesus Billie was right....she's going to kill me or him or maybe both when she realizes he texts me now.

I responded to Raj:

I met his girlfriend. Turns out their into three ways and want me. I'm backstage for their show now, should end in 15 min or so.

I checked my next text message.


How's it going baby?

Keep pulling those shorts down in the back please. They ride up and show too much. Thanks babe.

Made any friends? Don't get too close to anyone.

Let me know when you're about to be alone with him.

You seriously texted Raj back first? Don't be texting Raj. I told you not to talk to him without my permission. That includes texting. Be a good girl for daddy. Love you baby girl.

I replied...

I love you too baby, sorry I saw his message first. Won't happen again. I'm going to be alone with Xan and his girlfriend soon. The show is almost over and I'm backstage. His girlfriend def wants me...heavy gay vibes.


Who wouldn't want you? Hope she's ugly in person. Good luck babe.

I looked up from my phone as I heard Diego saying, "Goodnight Italy! This shit was crazy thanks for having me!!" And ran off the stage. Noah was standing directly off stage, waiting on him. She jumped up in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist and kissed him as he came off stage. Then he put her down and she whispered something, they both turned their heads towards me and Diego got a big goofy time.

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