Appreciate Me

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Billie's POV

I wasn't sure how I felt about Cleo anymore. Or maybe it's just I wasn't sure how I felt about Alicia. I wanted her to want me. She definitely was not into girls, even remotely. Except maybe Cleo...which pissed me off. I saw the way she held Cleo when I had her down there. It was hot but I had to separate them. I was set to sell Alicia in just a few days, so I only had a short amount of time left to enjoy her, but everytime I tried she would bring up Cleo.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER YOU MONSTER?" Alicia spat in my face, after I had already tased her twice you'd think she would have calmed down by now. She was convinced I had killed Cleo for trying to help her. She had no clue Cleo was fucking in love with me.

Alicia kept rejecting my sexual gestures and frankly was being a bitch. We had to get more videos of her to use for the gang so I sent Finneas down to finish with her, I had lost my patience.

I walked to the side of the house that Cleo was locked in. I could hear her wailing. It made my heart hurt, I did love her. I loved her so much that it hurt 10x more when I felt like she was rejecting or working against me. She was always supposed to be following my rules that I set and being on my side, no matter what. I know she didn't want to be with me anymore and I didn't know how to make her stay without keeping her hostage. I hadn't had the balls to even go back in her room, I had her locked in for 4 days without seeing me. She just kept crying.

I sent the kitchen staff in with food for her. She hadn't eaten in days. I don't even think she was drinking. Reluctantly, I decided I should go talk to her. I knocked on the door and unlocked it. She was bundled up in her bed under her big soft ugly ass comforter from her parent's house. She peeked her head out from underneath, messy bun in the air.

"Billie? Please come hold me. Please," she begged. I smiled. That's the thing about Cleo. When you leave her alone she appreciates you more. I slid into bed beside her, cradling her like I used to and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry Bil," She sniffled and nuzzled her nose into my chest. There was my baby girl...

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now