Dinner Date

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Billie's POV

I was so fucking relieved Cleo seemed happy with the house. When she smiled I felt like I had finally done something right. I barely had anything left in life. I had Finneas, he would be here soon. My old gang....my old family they were done with me. I had killed one of us, the fucking golden rule. Danielle had tried choking me when she saw Que's body.

"You killed Que over some fucking pussy?" I fought her off, but I couldn't kill her. That was my fucking baby sister.

None of them understood that Cleo was more than "just pussy". That was my girl. I had warned Que and he hadn't listened. I don't even think Finneas understood...but he still had love for me because he's the only blood I had left.

I snapped back to Cleo's voice, "Baby! I need your opinion! Baby?" She was staring at me as I spaced out.

"Opinion on what?"

"Billie really? You haven't been listening this whole time? Do I look okay in this? And don't just say yes because you always do or whatever I want to know the real answer," she sighed and turned in circles for me.

She didn't look okay, she looked sexy as fuck. We were meeting with the Italian gang that Finneas has ties with tonight, they were all coming over for dinner. I had arranged for the kitchen staff to make a 4 course meal. I wanted Cleo to be dressed like my wife, not my prisoner. I wanted her to be introduced as more to me than what people of my past had known her for. She was wearing a backless all black ball gown, the front had a deep V, accentuating her tiny figure. She didn't need to wear a bra, her boobs looked amazing. I wanted to put hickeys up and down the front of her. I licked my lips at her.

"Keep looking like that and that dress probably won't stay on long," I teased her, she smiled and winked at me. Then her face got serious again.

"Bil do you think these people will like me? Am I supposed to talk to them?" She searched my face for answers.

I motioned for her to sit beside me. She sat on my lap instead. I didn't mind. I rubbed her back as I spoke to her.

"They will like you but same rules apply as always. Speak when spoken to...if you're not sure if you should talk look at me. I can always talk for you instead. Don't be judgemental, at least not openly, what you say to me after is okay. You can tell me anything," I kissed her nose and leveled down to her eyes, "and no they don't think you're my prisoner. They think you're my wife. Because you are."

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now