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Billie's POV

Cleo and I were back to normal after I sold Alicia. Cleo agreed to not see her again before I got rid of her, I think she low key liked the little slut and that's why she was avoiding seeing her being sold to who knows who- for who knows what. She did help me edit and perfect the videos I made of Alicia for the gang to use for profit. Cleo was in some parts, I edited her out so no one would see my baby naked.

I let Cleo roam the house freely again when she acted like she had some sense. I had just gotten off the phone with Raj about a new girl coming when I came back inside the house and looked for Cleo. She wasn't in the kitchen, living room or our bedroom. The bathrooms were empty. Where was she?

I walked down to the basement and watched her silently. She was in her tights and tutu I had bought for her, dancing to classical music in her pointe shoes. She looked so elegant, like a real ballerina you'd see on broadway. She finished her song and walked over to her water bottle sitting beside the stereo, taking a long drink. When she looked up in the mirror she saw me and jumped,

"Baby! Oh my gosh, you scared me, didn't see you there!" She giggled.

"You know you're a beautiful dancer," I reminded her, picking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. My hands were gripping that firm dancer ass she had.

"Wanna dance with me?" I raised my eyebrows up questioning her judgment.

She turned on some slow music and peeled off her tutu, leaving her in just a leotard and tights. She leaned into my chest and rocked back and forth to the slow music as I wrapped my arms around her. This shit was low key romantic. When the song ended she turned it off and smiled at me.

"I want to give you a wedding Cleo," I said.

"Who would I invite?" She giggled, "You're all I have...besides Fin."

"We don't have to invite anyone we can just go somewhere and have an official ceremony where you get to pick a nice wedding dress and do normal wife stuff. I never gave you an opportunity to do any of that and I'm sorry...I fucked up," I scratched my head, "you deserve a nice wedding, I want it to be the start of us having a real life together. I want us to have a family C."

Cleo kissed my chest, "a family? Like a new gang?" She furrowed her eyes brows, appearing confused.

"No. Like... me paying out the ass for you to get artificially imseminated so you can have babies with me, and I don't have to share that ass with anyone else," I chuckled. I hoped that wasn't too big of a step. We had never talked about kids before.

"You want me to have a baby with you?" Cleo asked.

"I want you to have a few with me. I mean if you want to. Is that okay?"

She bit her bottom lip as she smiled, "Yes....let's go get married and then when we come back we can plan when we want to have a baby."

I kissed her forehead, surprised that I was actually talking to someone...my wife about our wedding and having kids. She was something.

I told Cleo about the new girl coming, Finneas would mostly be responsible for her because I wanted us to go on a vacation and have our wedding next week. I was already looking up flights to book. Finneas agreed to take care of her until our actual wedding because he wanted to be there for it, the new girl would be sold before Finneas had to leave.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - KidnappedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant