" He.....he.... actually,,,,he is my ...my husband's friend ...he works in his company.....I met him in...."

" Jin.....wait,,,,what are you saying??,,, please calm yourself.....you are telling your husband's friend....Jin....how could it be "...

Husband....no....he is in shock rightNow....he needs to be .....

" His name is Yoon ,he is my husband friend ..,,,,but I  never expected .....him to be like this...i met him when yoongishi held a party I went with Jimin there......he even making Taehyungshi to suffer".. 

" Jin.....who is this Taehyungshi"???

" He is my husband...."

I am just feeling my whole world got crumpled .....why it have to be like this... can't it be a bad dream....

" Jin why didn't you tell me....??tell me that you are married!!....why you hide it from me..."?

" Kookie what you're telling??.....why I will hide it from you??....it's just we never had a conversation about those things...moreover it's just.....I mean,,,,I am staying in Seoul ,the reason is i am marry him...."

Oh god.....why it have to be like this???.....why you give happiness ,if at the end you plan to snatch it from me..... whyyyyyy!!! 

" Is the ring you are wearing is it.....is it"

"Ye....its my wedding ring"

Ye....he never hide it..  my mind seen it many times,,,,but may be my heart was not ready to question it....and it made it's own assumption what make it feel better......at the end it's like this.....

" Kookie why are you not talking to me....I am sorry I didn't want to trouble you..."

" Jin.....you never been trouble to me and never will be....it's just....just....  Now can you give me that person number....I am sure what to do"

Even though my heart is Breaking and all I want is to hide myself and cry loud ,,,my first priority is Jin....to make him feel secured...

" But....I don't want you to face any problems because of me.....I can handle it"

" Handle like this.....like what happened today?? ....Jin ..,,,if you really believe me...give his number"

As he handed his phone...I took his number....

" Listen you don't have to worry.....it's my promise he can never do anything to you,,,so forget whatever happened  today as some bad dream...... understand??,,,you are strong Jin..,, right???"

" Hmm......"

I can't see him cry like this.....and I wanna hug him but I can't.....

" Where is your hus....I mean Taehyngshi??!"

" He went to conference,,,,he will come tom...and....  thank you so much "

" For what??"

" For everything" he looked at me with those tearful eyes.... breaking my all strength to act composed....

" You don't have to...."

" And  I am sorry " can I just hug him.....

" For what??"

" Today also our plan got cancelled....." Jin I love you......what should I do?? 

" Hmm......you have to be"

I took him to his room I guess......made him to lay down....put blanket over him

" You have to sleep now....you need rest,,,,you will be fine after this... " I sat beside him.....the look in his eyes are full  of uncertainty, he looks like kid scared of bad dream .. 

" I don't know  why I can't  close my eyes kookie" the way my heart beat went on race hearing him Calling me, cleared that I can never take back my feelings for him....and I am completely his 

Then I just smiled at him....and placed my palm over his eyes gently so he can close them.....

" You know my mom used to do this whenever I used complain that  I can't sleep .....I used to be so stubborn that I used to trouble her a lot......I even used to ask her for  ice cream in the middle of night.....she used to sing a song to me,,,,told lot of storeis to me....I still remember them....a lion story..,,,great king story,,,,rabbit story which was my favorite.......I will tell you that okay.....

....There was beautiful rabbit in Forest like me.....and it used to run so fast,,,,no body  could beat him...but...........    






Before my story got complete,,,I could here his soft breaths,,,,at last he fell asleep..,,,,I should leave now,,,may be I  have right up to only this....I should leave.. .....

Before reaching my door I fell over the floor.... I finally let my tears to burst out,,...my heart to cry out,,,, I am feeling the same pain when my parents used to fight,,,,when my dad used to  drink to  death,,,when my mom used cry in closed room,,,when they get divorced.....

The pain of going to be the person who will not get the love he wants,,.the person designed to be alone......


I AM MARRIED   [ TAE-JIN -KOOK ]Where stories live. Discover now