"sorry Felicity, we were, just, umm doing sign language with the doctor, he's deaf you see." Bethel says quickly as the doctor steps forward.

"Hello Ms. Chapman," the deep voiced man says, "I'm Doctor Tim, what seems to be the issue?"

I glance at Bethel, "can he read lips?"

She laughs lightly as does the doctor, "she was just kidding around that I was deaf, miss." Doctor Tim says, I felt heat rise up my neck and cheeks.

"Oh," I say as he stops laughing.

"So, what seems to be the issue?" He asks again, I open my mouth to answer but Mercury beats me to it.

"A couple girls broke her glasses and she doesn't have a back up pair." He says at the doctor and I swear after he said it, he growled again.

"Mercury can you call Parker? He's probably worried." I ask him, I see his figure stand and leave the room with Ben following in suit. Leaving me, Bethel, and Doctor Tim.

"I can remake your glasses, but I only have one frame he says putting in my hands a pair of glasses frames.

I look closely, "this may be some freaky scary coincidence or you're stalking me. These are the exact pair I wore before she broke them!" I exclaim smiling at the figures in front of me.

"Oh, uh, yes, coincidence indeed." Bethel stutters as she laughs nervously,

"you alright miss?" I ask her.

"I'm fine dear, just a little under the weather, excuse me." She says quickly getting out of the small white room.

"May we begin?" Doctor Tim says leading me to the regular equipment they use at the normal doctors office and we do the tests.

"Well, I should have your glasses by...." He trails off.

I think to myself, great, maybe next week?

"8 tonight." He states heading out the room.

"Wait!" I say loudly as he opens the door,

"yes miss?" He says,

"how are you going to do that so quickly?"

He laughs again, "Alpha's orders miss." And with that, he leaves the room.

"Alpha?" I say loudly to myself but the door bursts open with Ben?

He asks, "yes Felicity?"

"Ummmm, what's an Alpha?" I ask as Mercury I'm guessing bursts in the door and we stay silent as I hear a low growl from Ben.

"Nothing, just a nickname, I must go now, see you soon Felicity?" He asks me, I smile and nod my head,

"yes sir, hopefully." I see him nod his head a turn walking out the door.

Mercury and I sit in silence, then he walks over and picks me up, but I stop him, "Mercury, I'm fine, I just can't see, can I just hold your arm?" He doesn't move for a couple seconds, but then complies and he leads us down a large hall with many dark doors. The walls are light brown with chandeliers above us.

We keep walking until we reach a large room, "where are we?" I ask him as he leads me to sit on a barstool.

"The kichen, you're sitting at the island." He says turning to the fridge and grabbing stuff I'm guessing to cook.

I remember something I saw on Tumblr and gasp loudly, I hear clatter of pans then hear a frantic Mercury next to me immediatly, "what's wrong? You alright? Is it heat?" he says so quickly I almost didn't hear that last part.

Finding Myself In The ForestWhere stories live. Discover now