Ch. 1 The Beginning

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I sat down on the bar stool and laid my head on the counter, sighing from my long day at work which consisted of my boss yelling at me. The loud pounding music hurt my ears and was giving me a headache. I lifted my head and looked around the bar I always came to when I had a bad day. It was the same old thing you would expect from a bar. The strobe lights flashing at an unusually fast pace, the men and women on the dance floor drunk and grinding against one another like they have no shame or dignity. Don't mistake me for one of them. Yes, I came to bars but I didn't dance, nor did I wear anything revealing. I wasn't here for anyone, I was here for myself. I only came here on my bad days, had a couple of drinks and then left.

I turned back around and flagged down the bartender. He walked over smirking. I have been coming here everyday for a week straight, so me and the bartender have started talking though we still don't know each other's names. He knows I come here on my bad days. "What can I get you?" The bartender asked. "Three shots of vodka, please." I replied rubbing my head to try easing the ache. I'm probably about to make my head feel a lot worse. He nodded his head and pulled out three shot glasses, then grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured it in them. "Have a bad day again?" He asked while pouring the vodka in the glasses.

"Yea and I have a massive headache" I replied.

"Well this isn't exactly gonna help." He laughed.

"I know." I sighed and gulped down the first shot.

"So when are you going to fall into my bed?" He asked smirking.

I raised my eyebrows and gave him a dumb look. Don't get me wrong he's attractive. It's just not my thing to do one night stands and I know that's all he's looking for or else he would've bothered to ask my name and learn more about me. I'm more into relationships though. Not that I ever dated anybody or even had my first kiss for that matter, heck I'm still a virgin. I know, sad isn't it. Here I am at the age of 23 and I still haven't had my first anything.

As I was about to reject his subtle offer I was interrupted by a group coming up next to me. "Aye bartender! How bout some drinks for the beautiful babes and myself!" I turned my head towards the voice and was shocked at what I just laid eyes on.

His unordinary snow white hair fell to just below his cheeks. He had mesmerizing blue eyes and prominent cheek bones along with a strong jaw. He was handsome to say in the least but definitely a playboy type. In other words, not my type.

He had one girl in each arm, holding them by the waist and five other girls surrounding him. All of them wore skimpy clothing, looking like they're from a strip club which they probably are.

The guy with white hair looked my way. I quickly turned my head before we could make eye contact. I saw him smirk at me from the corner of my eye.

"Well what do we have here." He said moving toward me. "Another babe to join the party." He said while taking the seat next to me and downing one of my vodka shots. I didn't respond and kept looking forward, picking up my last shot and downing it. "Oh come on babe, don't ignore me! It's a party, we can have some fun!" He chirped and lifted his hand to place it on my knee. I wrapped my hand around his wrist before it could make contact with my knee and felt what felt like electric pulses get sent through my skin at the skin to skin contact. I gasped and let go of his wrist, looking up at him to see his eyes wide and considerably darker just staring at me. After a couple seconds he started to blink rapidly and his eyes went back to normal.

I quickly jumped off the stool and put money on the counter to pay for my drinks and before I walked off, the bartender slid a napkin with his number on it to me. I looked at it with a raised eyebrow and folded it and put it in my pocket. I heard what sounded like a growl come from the white haired guy who was still sitting next to me. I looked at him weirdly and he had a confused look on his face while he held a hand to his throat. I started to walk towards the exit, noticing the white haired guy staring at me until I was out the door.


Alright this is just something I got an idea for today and I wanted to make a story out of it.

It will most likely be on hold till I get done with my other stories but I just wanted y'all to look forward to something or get a little bit of what the story is going to be about.

Any who I hope y'all like it and if y'all vote and comment I just might not put it on hold and update it.

Ps. this story will contain sexual content. if you have a problem with that then don't read it!

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