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hey! so last post i asked if any of you wanted a rewrite and since then i've finished rewriting my other book (empathy) and i've actually started around the first ten chapters of this one. but i don't really know if i wanna see this one through if like, no ones gonna read it? so i just wanna get like an update from anyone who's read this if they wanted a rewrite, if that's anything they're interested in.

quick note that i actually have more plot additions to this fanfic, this honestly was my most favorite out of the ones on this account and on my second one. i'm planning to go more into depth abt their actual plan for the future, and their individual characters and such and yeah. a lot more changes than what i did with empathy.

so thanks a bunch for reading this and if you could please take the time to comment your opinion on whether or not this fanfic should have a rewrite (no ill will against those who wouldn't want a rewrite, honestly) , i would appreciate it a lot! anyways, i hope you have a good day :)

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