Chapter Twenty-Nine

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team seven


The next chapter is major time skip, about six years, so that the younger Naruto and genin are around 13 years old. So this chapter is gonna describe what's gonna happen for the next three years.


Naruto Uzumaki

[On the Day of the Uchiha Massacre]

For another twelve hours, Satoshi avoided Hideki like the plague. The last real conversation they had with each other was when Satoshi shouted at his roommate to help Sasuke--a preparation for the Massacre. The only reason was this: pure and utter embarrassment.

Satoshi--it'd be much better to say, Naruto--had never shown anyone that side of him before. Not even Akira, who healed him and was open to any of his problems (he told her nearly everything if he hadn't already told her, because she was so much better than confessing his problems to Sasuke). Hideki was the only one to see him break down like that.

What's worse than letting your rival watch you sob and cry over a lost lover?

Oh right, nothing.

Satoshi sighed and rubbed his face with his palm, as if trying to wipe the weariness from his figure. He was lucky to find that Hideki had left early in the morning, even though he came home late that night--possibly from a mission, but not every mission was finished in a single day.

His curiosity faded away as he remembered that he had to clean the place up, since he was planning a dinner with Naruto--and even though it was early in the morning, he knew that it'd take hours to make the apartment spotless. So, he stretched and started with the area around his bed.

Since when did my entire closet end up on the floor? Satoshi thought as he gathered a bundle of his clothes. He didn't even know if they were dirty or not. He sighed and put them in a basket, deciding to do the laundry while he was at it.

He then made his bed and tried his best to make his dresser look presentable. After that, he attempted to do the same to his roommate's part of the room--though, it had been hard to do so when he was picking up someone else's clothes, not his. He also tried not to meddle with Hideki's belongings, knowing that an angry Hideki was not a good thing to deal with during dinner.

When making his roommate's bed, he felt something underneath the pillow. Wait Naruto, don't meddle--It had been too late; he pulled the object out.

It was a necklace with the Uchiha Clan symbol on the pendant. He smiled slightly with a sad twitch of his lips before putting it back.

I knew it, we're still broken.

Why do I feel like that's a bad thing to say, as if it were a proud thing to be right about?

After making the Uchiha's bed, Satoshi moved onto the hallway--the thin strip was enough to take at least an hour to clean (the bedroom had taken two hours, with the piles of clothes he'd have to clean later on).

Oh shoot, remember, you invited Naruto to lunch with you and Hideki too--Satoshi groaned, because who plans to eat with someone for two meals in one day? He checked the clock and panicked when he only had an hour and a half to do the laundry. He sniffed himself. How am I gonna shower?

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