Chapter Nineteen

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team sakura


Satoshi didn't seem to have landed on Mireya's friend list.

She remembered the first time she met him.

"I'm Hiroki," the Hyuuga introduced with a small smile and a wave.

"Tatsuya," the Aburame introduced.

"Mireya," She said, eyes glued to the man's cerulean eyes. She stepped forward, a hand out, and a small smile on her face. I've seen those eyes before, she thought.

"Sorry, Satoshi-san," Hiroki cut in as he pulled her away. "Mireya has a habit of studying anyone she meets." He glared at her, to which she shrugged.

"I can't help it."

I've seen those eyes before...



I was suspicious of Akira's teammate--well, I was suspicious of both of Akira and Satoshi. They seemed close for teammates, though it wasn't my place to make assumptions since I was close to my team.

But something about his eyes interested me. They seemed so familiar.

Whatever. I'll look into it later.

Too bad Akira-sensei's gone.


I decided to write about Akira's team because I never wrote about the times Akira and her team shared--I only wrote of them meeting each other.

And wow, Sakura's gone! I never actually planned for it to happen, but when it came to mind, I decided to go with it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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