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[Six Years Ago]

"You may be able to climb, honey, but are you able to climb to the top?"

Those were the words she was told when she was enforced to join a group she never knew about. She caught the name of the organization but never understood it. Many children that were part of the orphanage she went to were in the same place as her--cuffed into a dark prison cell, kept silent.

Where she lived was in the poorer areas of Konoha. Although the village was wealthy and prosperous, there were many parts where wealthy people intercepted with the deliveries and kept them all to themselves--it reminded her that even in the best places, there would still be greed.

In the poorer areas of Konoha, nobody paid attention to them. The Hokage tried his best to donate and improve the buildings, but the wealthy people took the donations for themselves. So while the rest of Konoha only viewed the poor people as trash, they didn't notice the difference when Danzo took them away.

"Let's make good use of these poor peasants." He'd said. He thought that maybe the children would grow up to be his soldiers and improve his army. That way, his army could invade Konoha and he could become Hokage.

She scoffed as she thought of Danzo becoming Hokage--he would do anything to make him superior, she thought. He only thinks his way is right. He implants these words into our heads to make us protect him.

It's only a matter of time until a better person steps in. She thought as she looked through the window of her caged prison. The bars blocked her from having a full view, but she could see the sun setting into the horizon. She felt a spark of hope.

And when that day comes, I'll be protecting them willingly.

"Because those that are at the bottom...get cut down. It's live or die; help no one else."

"Alright! Get up, we're training!"

But for now, I'll have to be here.


Sorry, another OC. I guess this just proves that every timeline isn't exactly the same as the one from before, haha. Of course, these OC's were never in the original Naruto. But Sakura's chunin team (the one she's teaching) probably wouldn't even be known in Naruto, because according to Sakura's memories, they died in the Chunin Exam attack. This OC however, is gonna stick!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this additional character and chapter! Sorry it was so short though.

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