Chapter Thirteen

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Sasuke Uchiha


Thirty-Six Hours After Sasuke Went After Danzo

He was antsy now.

And it didn't help with the fact that Akira was ignoring him.

As the week neared the end, his apprehension grew. What if it happened this night? He wondered, hands clenching tighter. He gripped the edge of the table, watching his knuckles turn white.

Why was he acting this way? Even he himself didn't know. He just knew that one night, his younger self would fall into a dark path. He didn't want that to happen, because not only would it hurt him, it would hurt them too.

He didn't want to throw himself to this hatred all over again, he didn't want to drown himself in his dark rage, desire, thirst for power. He didn't want to waste three years of his life, all his madness on this one ambition--to find out that in the end, the man who sparked his hatred was innocent all along?

He never wanted to kill his brother. His hatred just overwhelmed him. But if he had known before of the truth, then maybe...

Then he remembers that he can't do anything, because Sasuke Uchiha is the boy running in the field before him, not him.


"Excuse me mister, who are you?" Hideki's head snapped up to the little boy standing before him, and he had to refrain from gasping. After all, it wasn't a daily occurrence to see your younger self talk to you.

"Hideki. What's your name?"

The boy cheekily smiled and tried to point at the clan symbol on the back of his shirt. "Sasuke! Sasuke Uchiha!"

I know you. I was you.

"What're you doing out here, Hideki-san?"

All those memories...

"I'm just out to breathe the morning air."

How can I let that go?

"Well, mister, I was chasing a blue butterfly, but I lost it!" Hideki watched as Sasuke pouted--a feature he hadn't done himself in a long time. "Can you help me?"

Hideki nodded and activated his Sharingan underneath his henge and looked around. He was aware of the chakra spike in his supply--someone could sense it--but he paid no attention to that. He spotted the butterfly across the street, fluttering to the flower shop owned by the Yamanaka clan.

"There, by the store." He pointed and Sasuke beamed.

"Thanks! You wanna come with me?"

How can I let you go?

Hideki followed.

"Maybe he's not you anymore, Hideki, but that doesn't mean you can't save him." - Akira

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