Chapter Eight

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Naruto Uzumaki


Satoshi was never one to wake up so early. But today, he did. And he woke up his roommate in the process.

"Dobe, what are you doing?" Hideki asked as he heard Satoshi skipping through the hallway while humming a random tune. Though certain things would only annoy him, he was a light sleeper--meaning a single peep would make him jolt awake.

"Come help me bake, teme!" Satoshi shouted once he pranced to the kitchen. "Actually, can ya get Saku--Akira-chan? She knows how to bake stuff."

"Dobe, why are you even baking?" Hideki asked once he trudged out his room, throwing a shirt on. He kicked his roommate's clothes that were strewn across the floor as he walked. "Are you planning to poison someone?"

Hideki earned a pan being thrown at him--to which he dodged. He watched as the pan hit the wall behind him. "Dobe, you left a mark on the wall. The landowner isn't gonna be happy."

"First, why would you care about that?" Satoshi asked as he gathered he ingredients he thought the recipe would require. "Second, we are baking a cake for Naruto, as a welcoming gift."

"Okay, one, we were the ones who moved in, not Naruto. You're supposed to give a welcoming gift to the person moving in." Hideki corrected before pulling out cereal and a bowl. "Second, I do care about the landowner because this is gonna add to our rent. We haven't even gotten a job yet."

"We haven't gotten a job because we haven't been given a mission yet," Satoshi reminded. "Besides, we still have the money the Third gave us." He went to the fridge, only to find he didn't have eggs. "Hey, teme, does your duck-butt hair lay any eggs?" He received a smack to the head.

"Dobe, go to the market. It opens early and there won't be any wait." Hideki responded. Satoshi nodded and sent a clone. He actually listened to me, he thought. "And you should clean up the apartment too, dobe. Your clothes are everywhere."

"Normally I would shout at you and protest," Satoshi murmured as he took Hideki's spoon and ate some of his cereal. "But waking up was a big process and I have no energy for argument. But this doesn't mean you win."

Satoshi formed a hand sign and fifty clones appeared, running to different parts of the apartment and picking up dirty clothes. One gathered all the clothes in a bin and went out to go do the laundry.

"You're such a hypocrite." Hideki murmured as he wrestled his spoon back and ate his cereal.


When Naruto's clone came back from the market with eggs--and many more, because the pantry and fridge was empty. Hideki was surprised his roommate went the extra mile to fill the pantry. Usually he's so lazy when it comes to the normal life, he thought.

"Teme, go get Akira-chan!"

"Dobe, move, I got this." Hideki ignored Satoshi's earlier demand and bumped the boy to the side. He rolled up his sleeves and grabbed three mixing bowls from the cabinet.

"Wait, you bake?"

All Satoshi got was a slight blush and a curse.


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