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Sakura Haruno


Some pinkette-centered stuff...really short, sorry.


After the Land of Waves Mission

Twelve-year old Sakura Haruno is walking down the street, humming a small tune. She comes back from the long C-Rank mission that had turned into an A-Rank, but soon forgets it all--the fact that Sasuke nearly dies, as well as the fact that Naruto was being annoying the entire time and even after the mission--and thinks about going home and having a nice, long shower.

"Hey there." She turns to the source of the voice and finds a white-haired woman with blue eyes. The woman's ivory hair dips down to her hips, and Sakura is jealous of it.

Sasuke would love that.

"Are you new? I've never seen you around here before." Sakura can't help but ask, because the woman with that many uncommon features was bound to be recognized immediately.

(Great job at trying to blend in, Sakura)

The woman nodded. "Yes, I just arrived two weeks ago. I'm Sayaka, and you are...?"

"Sakura Haruno."

"Oh, are you a genin?" The woman pointed out the Konoha headband Sakura had, and the pinkette nodded. "Really? You must be really strong."

Sakura opened her mouth to respond with a yes, but the doubtful thoughts in her mind made her think twice. Images flashed in her mind--of how she just stood there in the Land of Waves.

"Actually, not really..." That flies out of her mouth and she felt like regretting it, because why would you seem inferior to someone like her? Sakura analyzes the woman, and finds that she is a kunoichi as well--from the kunai pouch to the over-used flask jacket.

"Really?" Sayaka asked and looked deep in thought. "You want some help? I'm free for a while; I could give some advice."

Sakura Haruno looked down at the dress she was wearing, and thought of all the preparation she easily passed through in the Graduation Exams--the Justus, the tests. Had it helped her at all?

"Can I go home first? I needa change into something better."


Two Weeks Before the Chunin Exams

"I can't do this, Sayaka!" Sakura exclaimed as she fell back onto the ground. Sweat was pouring out from every inch of skin, soaking her tank top and shorts. "This isn't good for the Chunin Exams, and it's in two weeks!"

Sayaka made the mistake of informing the pinkette of the Chunin Exams, and Sakura went into a frenzy of panic and worry. Now, she had to pay the price; Sakura demanded more training.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I want to pass the Chunin Exams!"

"No, it's gotta be more than that," Sakura stated, stalking over to the genin and placing her hands on the pinkette's shoulder. "Why did you choose to become a kunoichi? Why did you go through all these years to get here? Why do you want to pass the Chunin Exams?

"Who do you want to be?"

"My dream for the future is to...*giggle* be a certain someone's wife..."

"Why are you here?"

"My likes are...well, someone..."

"Don't tell me it's for some boy."

But...it is.

No, it was.

So right then, Sakura Haruno chose to change. She chose to be her own person, not some housewife for someone else. She chose to be independent. She chose to be herself.

"I want to be a kunoichi.
I'm Sakura Haruno, and I will be a kunoichi."

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