I blink my eyes open to bright lights and confusion, neither of which were promising. I felt the sudden urge to cry but I swallowed it, my body slightly shaking due to stress and weakness.

"Stay calm, no need to panic, I'm going to help you sit up, okay?" A male voice says beside me.

His hands slipped behind my neck and back, guiding my upper body into a sitting position.

Grateful he helped me, I forced a small smile on my face. I didn't want a stranger's hands anywhere near me and relaxed when there was no more contact.

My eyes shifted around the room, noticing a man who was now across from me with his hands in his pockets.

Dr. Bennett.

What the hell happened while I was out?

Biting my lip, I debated between asking him what happened and staying silent until he spoke.

It turned out to be the latter, "I know you're confused and that's okay, but I need you to tell me what your name is and some basic information so that I know you haven't done any damage to your head. And after that I will explain everything, I promise."

His voice was oddly soothing, his calm manner making me feel the slightest bit better; however, my hands still shook and I felt uncomfortable.

I clenched my jaw tight, trying my hardest not to stutter, "um my n-name is Amara, I-I'm a senior, s-so 17, and I w-would really like to know w-what's going on."

"Thank you Amara, do you remember anything that happened?" he replied, typing things on his tablet he held in his hands.

"Not m-much, I remember
f-feeling really dizzy and lightheaded but I-I don't remember anything after th-that." I admitted, biting my lip.

That was a lie. I remember everything, from the panic attack to the fainting, but he didn't need to know that.

He looked at me skeptically.

Nevertheless, he continued,
"Okay good, good. I was fortunately in the hallway when I saw you start to sway, so I was able to get to you quickly. Then I took you back here where I have been looking over you. How do you feel now?" he asked, making eye contact with me while leaning back on his desk.

I didn't like the fact that I had been unconscious in a room with a male for god knows how long.

"I'm f-fine. C-Can I leave?" I ask, really itching to get out of this room and away from this doctor, even though he hadn't hurt me yet.

He chuckled, almost as if I had made a joke. Did he seriously think I was joking?

Clearing his throat, he spoke again, this time more serious. "Uh well I would actually like for you to consider something for me. Your vitals and you are very weak right now and I would really like to run some tests at the clinic so I can figure out why you fainted. I would do them here but I don't have the equipment and help."

Already shaking my head, I began, "look d-doctor, t-thank you for your concern, but I am o-okay and would r-really like to go h-home now s-so can you p-please write me a-a pass?"

"I have some very good friends of mine that own a clinic and are very good with teens. I would really like it if you were able to meet them. I believe there is something....else going on that I cannot examine here" he explained hesitantly, completely ignoring my question.

Wringing my hands out, I again refused, "I am n-not going to a-agree, so please c-can you just l-let me l-leave?" I plead, getting desperate. He was already very suspicious but I couldn't do what he wanted.

He takes a second to study me, hopefully noticing the desperate look on my face. My breathing had already picked up and my chest tightened.

Inhale. One.

Exhale. Two.

Inhale. One.

He again interrupted. "If I let you go home, will you promise to come see me tomorrow so I can make sure you don't have any symptoms I should be concerned about?" He asked, irritatedly pressing buttons on his tablet.

"Yes, I-I pr-promise."

Question: do you guys like 3rd Person POV or 1st Person POV?

Also, this might be the last longer chapter.

Also, this might be the last longer chapter

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