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Hey guys,

if you're reading this, then I'm most likely dead.

But don't be disheartened by this, simply remember that I'm in a better place now.

Some people just aren't made for this world, and I was one of those unlucky people. I was like an experiment, and experiments go wrong. That's life.

I was lost in this world, nowhere to go, like sunshine in the night. I didn't belong.

I had many fears, and we're all vulnerable in front of our greatest horrors.
And if you try to hiding that, you're a complete liar.
They're too afraid of themselves, their past.

I thought someone would teach me to love my scars because I am only human, I couldn't do it myself.

And you tried, I know that. But you can never make the sun belong in the night, you couldn't make me belong in this world.

But I have to thank you, for everything. I would've left this world a long time ago if it wasn't for you, Got7 and Bts.

You picked me up when I thought there was nothing to pick up. You helped me in some of my most hopeless times. And I wish so much, that I'd of thanked you more in person, but I've never been good with words.

I can write them, but saying them? Nah, I can't do it. And I'm shameful of that, that I couldn't even say thank you, those two simple words. But know I mean them, I'm unbelievably, really thankful of you guys, and I'll never forget everything you've done for me.

You guys believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I wish you keep living your lives to the fullest, you're all marvellous and I wish you all the best for your futures.

I'm sorry I won't be there for you, keep up the good work guys, well done for everything you've accomplished so far. I'll be watching you from above.

I always said Min Yoongi was dead, and now, whoever I've changed into, is actually dead.


Just a lil bonus chapter for u
But honestly your all amazing for reading this story
And i truly do appriciate it so much, you're all stars
Keep loving yourselves


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