Hey Jiminie

Dont hate me please

I have no control over my Fathers actions

Please eat, dont beat yourself up

I beg you

Jiminie i can see your name in bright, bold lights

And i see you, singing and dancing on a large stage

Millions of fans screaming and cheering you on

I see you in a band with all our friends

But i see you doing a solo

You have a healthy body, a healthy mind set and of course

Great dancing and singing

Your amazing, never forget that

You probably wont miss me

Who would?

But i'll miss you know that

Your Hyungs are there Jiminie

Dont forget that

Talk to them

They dont have to understand

Sometimes you just need someone to be there

And they'll forever be there

I said i'd never leave, i broke that promise

And im sorry, you'll probably never forgive me

But i accept that, i deserve it

But please Jiminie, eat!

If i get news that you've died or something

I wouldn't be able to live

Knowing it was my fault for not being there

When you needed me most

Please, you'll probbaly hate me forever but please

Give one gift for me eat

Thank you Jiminie

For making me laugh and smile when i was hurting

Thank you so much

I'm so proud of you, know that please

You've come so far

Good luck,

I'll see you one day

luv ya stay the same but eat please


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Please dont leave

Kook needs you

Tae needs you

I need you, now more than ever

I cant handle it without you Hyung

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