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Now he was stuck, he had his idea, what the song would be about, but now he needed lyrics.

Yoongi sighed, tapping his pen on the next blanc page, also labelled as 'Mansion'. Just then his phone beeped, he picked it up and saw the reminder.


Got7 had insisted he went to therapy, and in all honesty he hated it.

No one got his perpective, but then again he didn't really expect anyone to, what more could he expect from a therapy session?

It still seems wrong to describe it as being hit with boulders, but once again it's true, an idea came to him, and again, he found himself cursing himself for not thinking of this earlier.

He didn't know whay all his ideas was coming to him today, nor does he care.

He flipped to a new page, leaving a couple for 'Mansion'

He quickly scribbled 'Therapy session' down at the top, quickly writing what he was thinking, no matter how jumbled it was.

I dont expect you to get my perspective
What can you expect from a therapy session?

I'm taking pictures with thousands of people but i feel like no one knows me
I'm trying to deal with depression
I'm trying to deal with the pressure

What is the point of this song?
I'm just venting but what do you expect from a therapy session?

How you 'gon tell me my music does not have a message
When i'm looking out at the crowd of people i know are affected

"Why dont you write some happy raps?"
"All you music is dark and moody Agust"
Oh dont get me started!

You see me walk on these stages but have no idea what i'm dealing with after it

This is the way i cope with all my emotions
I put it all out in the open

This type of life isn't glamorous
This ain't an act for the cameras

I ain't 'gon walk on these stages and act like i live my life perfectly
That doesn't work for me

If i wouldn't say what i say to your face
i promise you i wouldn't say it in private

I know i handle some things immaturely
I know i need to grow in maturity

I write about life, i write about things i'm actually dealing with
something that i'm actually experiencing, this is real for me
like this is something that personaly helps me aswell

What you think of me
That doesn't worry me

I mean, i think people confuse what i'm doing

I was given this as an outlet

When i feel something, wether it be anger,
um a passion about something, or fustration
This is where i go, this is, that's the whole Agust d music thing man
This is real for me, i need this, this is a therapy for me

He added more, rearanged them, and boom he had a song, in only under 6 hours, he had one done, now he just needed to finish 'Mansion' and write way more.

But if he could continue like he had this day he'd be fine, right?

Inspiration would come naturally, right?

He'd make way more awesome songs he loved, right?

Songs that represented him, right?

He be fine.....right?

Based off Nf's therapy session song
I love him dont judge



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