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Yoongi's nightmares didn't go away after figuring out why they'd come back, but things did stop going wrong as much, only problem now was Bts.

Jungkook and Taehyung had told them what he'd said, now they wouldn't leave him alone- overjoyed that he was showing signs of returning to his old self, no matter how small the change was.

Only problem was, they were keen to find out why he was so different, but they didn't believe him when he gave the truth, he doesn't know. And it's true, he doesn't know why he's like it, he just is, he has no excuse, no reason, he just is.

This time he was heading out of Big hit, trying to get to his apartment, and they were obviously behind him, spewing questions left right and center, he asnwered some, ignored others, not like he could answer them all anyway.

"Yoongi why are you so cold now?"

"You were never like this"

"Why have you changed?"

"Yoongi why are you like this?"

"Why cant you just tell us?"

"We can help you"

"Please tell us Yoongi"

"Tell us Yoongi, you cant trust us"

"I cant tell you why i'm like this!" Yoongi snapped, whipping around to face the six.

"Why not?" Jin asked, exasperated

"Becasuse i dont know, okay! I have no excuse why i'm like this, i just am, having a shit life isn't an excuse to be a shit person! I dont know why i'm like this so please stop asking me to tell you why i'm like this because i dont know! Okay?!" Yoongi snapped, turning his back on them, heading into his apartment, slamming the door shut and locking it.

Bts were left in shock, they'd expected many answers, not that though, but it did make sense what he said, not that they'd admit it out loud, but it did make sense. But they knew their was a reason, but they also now knew they Yoongi were yet to figure it out himself, so there was no chance they were figuring it out.

They didn't even know where he ended up after he ran away. At least he didn't snap at them when they called him Yoongi, or Hyung, that's progress, not much, but progress all the less.

But one thing confused them more than anything 'Having a shit life isn't an excuse to be a shit person' as far as they were awear, Yoongi had an amazing life, but obviously not, there was many things he never told them, and that infuritated them, but they knew there must be a reason.

So it was with many unsolved questions and a heavy heart that they entered their own apartment that night.


Also really short but im not in the mood to give a shit



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