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Hey Hobi

Im leaving tomorrow,

You said we'll always wait for eachother

Don't wait for me

We'll probably never see again,

Your probably happy arnt you?

Who would want to see such a peice of trash such as myself.

Your a great dancer you know?

Aish of course you know, your always told that

But your deserve it, you work so hard

I really admire you, ya know?

You really make me laugh Hobi

Thank you, you were a great best friend

You were always there for me and i love that

Dont forget our friends are always there for you if you need it

I knew that, i should've taken advantage of that

But i didn't

Tell them everything Hobi

Even if you think they wont care

Or that you've been told not to tell anyone

Tell them, but i doubt you'll ever have any real problems

Your to amazing

I'll be looking for you on the stage, dont think i wont

Make me proud Hobi, prouder than i already am

I'll miss you Hobi, even if you dont miss me

Say happy Hobi, keep dancing, luv ya


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Where are you Hyung?

We all really miss you

I really wanted to make a dance to your music

I want you to be proud of me

I admire you alot

You are so happy, despite not having much

Your a great rapper aswell

I'm going to really miss you,

At least know that

I miss making you laugh

Your laugh is adorable

We're waiting for you Hyung

We'll meet again one day

I'm sure, and when we do,

I'll make you proud Yoongi-Hyung dont worry

I'll make my way to that stage with our friends

And ill dance, rap, everything you told me to do

To follow my dream, i will, please do that as well

I'll be looking for you, get on that stage aswell Hyung,

You deserve it

Luv ya, stay strong Yoongs


Read at 5:58

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