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But naturally, it wasn't that easy.

Inspiration comes to Yoongi at the most random times, in a vehicle, in the bathroom, on a plane, when he's eating, when he's doing sport, anytime any place.

He either gets a lot, not a lot, or some, most of the time it's some, meaning over the course of a week or two he can get a lot done. But lately it's been not a lot, and he doesn't know why, he doesn't understand it, he doesn't understand a thing.

It was fustrating, he just wanted to get lyrics, music and get the album dont, he wanted it done for himself, he wanted something where he poured his emotions out, but he couldn't pour his emotions out, because he couldn't get inspiration to get his emotions flowing.

The other day he got lucky, the day he wrote 'Therapy session' and started on 'Mansion' that was one of his better days, a day where he got lots of inspiration, but since then he got barely any, he'd added a few lyrics to 'Mansion' and he'd started on another one 'Why' but he hadn't got far on it - since then he hadn't got much inspiration, much to his fustration.

He didn't know what to do, pulling on his hair as he sat hunched over his notebook, staring blankly at the empty page, not knowing where to start.

Before, writing songs was a peice of cake, now it wasn't.

Yoongi sighed as he released his hair, slamming his notebook closed and twisting around on his rolly chair. He stared at the mostly blank wall, only containing a couple polaroids he'd taken with got7.

All the ones he'd taken with Bts hidden in a box, he just couldn't bring himself to chuck them away: it felt like he was chucking his memories away, his past away. And sure, he refused to look back on the past, scared of what it held, but that didn't mean he wanted to lose it all together.

Suddenly, he stood, slipping his jacket on without a moments hesitation, knowing that if he did he'd probably end up sitting back down and staring at a blank page for hours again.

He left the studio, exiting the building and walking down the pavements, he hadn't a clue where he was going, but he was going somewhere, and he was getting away, for at least an hour or two, and maybe, magically, inspiration would hit him. Although he did highly doubt it, there was still that glimer of hope hidden deep within him, hoping he was right, that something, anything would come to him.

He breathed in deeply, letting the cool nights air fill his lungs, he was tempted to close his eyes, let the darkness and the cold air engulth him, take him away somewhere far, where he was away from everything, but alas that was impossible, so he kept his eyes open, walking and walking until a gas station appeared in the distance.

It was unusual, to Yoongi at least, he couldn't see anything around for what appeared to be miles, and certainly no cars on the deserted road that lay next to said gas station.

Yoongi aproched it, planning to by some snacks on his way back, he decided to head back as he'd been walking for at least 2 hours, meaning it take 2 more hours to get back, if not longer, due to the soreness in his legs and feet. Meaning he would've been out for around 4-5 hours and if he wasn't going to find any inspiration in that time he wasn't gonna get any any time soon.

Yoongi sighed as he pushed the door open, heading straight for the snack isle. Grabbing a Monster aswell as some gum and doritos. He extracted his wallet from his pocket as he approched the till.

Frowning when he thought he recognised the person sat there, it was only when he got closer did he see who it was, Taehyung.

Taehyung looked up from his phone when he heard someone drop some items infront of him.

His eyes went wide when he saw Yoongi.

"H-hy- i mean A-agust, what are you d-doing here?" Tae asked nervously, quickly scanning the items, calculating the total.

"Took a walk" Yoongi answered simply "Does Bts know you work here?"

Taehyung shook his head "I didn't tell them" He replied quietly

"How come?" Yoongi asked, making no movement to grab his things

"S-sure we popular and s-stuff, but we n-need more m-money, so i got this j-job, it doesn't pay well but it's m-money i can use for us, i didn't t-tell anyone because i knew J-jin and N-namjoon hyung's wouldn't be h-happy with me" Tae stuttered.

"It'll be £24:45 by the way" He added quietly, Yoongi nodded, pulling out a 50 pound note, handing it over

"Keep the change, also call me Hyung" Yoongi said, gathering his things and leaving the gas station without another word, leaving a baffled Taehyung behind.

Yoongi cursed himself as he opened his monster, taking a swig.

First Jungkook now Taehyung, who else is he gonna help and tell to call him Hyung?

What was he doing?

But what shocked him most was the wave of inspiration that hit him, just as he thoughts about this, also as a wave of cool breeze hit him.

He smirked as he headed back to his studio faster than he thought was possible, ignoring the burning stinging in his legs, ignoring it as he power walked into his studio, grabing his notebook and writing lyrics down at lightning speed.

And not even 5 hours later, at 4:45 am, he had a brand new song 'Why'.

If you couldn't already tell

'Why' is also a song by Nf

Hope you like it

Also if you didn't know, monster is an energy drink



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