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Yoongi groaned as the heavy rain woke him up from his sleep, well not that he slept much, only a couple hours, and not to mention he was on the very uncomfortable couch. It was the day after he'd found his sister lying in the bathtub, bleeding from the wrist, it had been a day since she was pronounced dead,it had been a day since he felt like his world fell apart for the millionth time since he was born. All his life he'd been in pain and struggling, always hating himself and his life, never having an escape from the hell hole that was supposed to be a loving, cosy house, then when he moved to Seoul, when he became a rapper, made great friends, he thought maybe something was going right in his life for once, that he was finally being allowed to enjoy and love life, but of course, as soon as he got to comfortable somthing had to happen, someting he'd never expected, something that would tear im apart, just like his old life years ago.

He'd recieved many calls, messages, from Bang Pd, his manager, Got7, even a couple from Bts as they'd got his number off Bang Pd, however he ignored them all, despite knowing he'd be yelled at when he went back to the company, whenever that was. It wasn't his fault he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, it wasn't his fault he just wanted to be alone, alone with his thoughts. The thing is he didn't cry when he found out, all his emotions has poured out of him 1/2 days ago and now he was back to being numb, emotionless, unbothered, obviously he was so sad, sad that she was gone, but he couldn't bring himself to cry, it's like he'd run out of feelings/emotions again after he broke down. He doesn't even know why he broke down really, maybe it was seeing his friends again after so many years, but that sounded dumb and pathetic and he was sure that wasn't the reason, he honestly doesn't know why he did what he did, but frankly he didn't care.

Just then a loud thud echoed through the house, he sighed when he realised it was someone knocking on his door, he got up in his baggy black sweatpants, black jumper and back socks, his hair ruffled, dirty and knotted, he looked rough as hell but he didn't care. He opened the door only to be greeted by his best friends, Got7. As he moved over to let them in he sighed, he knew he'd have to answer question that he really didn't want to answer. He preapred himself to be bombarded with questions as they all found their way to Yoongi's living room and they were all seated comfortably, well as cofortably as one could be when sitting on his old couch, he sighed as he spotted their gaze on his phone which was on on his coffee table, it was open on one of the videos his sister had sent.

"Whos that?" Jinyoung asked

"My sister" Yoongi replied in a hoarse voice, his voice crackling slightly, he cursed himself in his head for this.

"I didn't know you had a sister" BamBam said frowing, Yoongi shrugged in reply.

"She died" He said sharper than intended

"Oh i'm sorry.....when?" BamBam apologised, recieving a wack on his head by Jaebum.

"Yesterday" Yoongi replied in a quiet voice, everyone's mouths dropped. Yoongi then felt an unusual warmth covering him. BamBam and Yugyeom, who were closest to the pale rapper, had wrapped their arms around him protectivly. He sighed as he knew there was no way he was escaping their warmth and tight grasp.

"How?" Youngjae asked in a small voice

"Suicide" Yoongi replied, looking down at his hands, at this everyone stood, making their way over to him and the two others, joining BamBam and Yugyeom in hugging Yoongi. They ended up staying at Yoongi's place for a sleepover, and that night they hugged, laughed, joked, watched movies, baked, cooked, did everything you could do, had a pillow fight. It was the best night he'd had in nearly 4 years, he was so thankful for his friends, he couldn't express how much they ment to him, so he wouldn't, as much as it hurt him and Got7, he couldn't so he wouldn't express his feelings, it broke him and Got7 but there was nothing they could do, they knew that so that put up with it, Yoongi really didn't know how they did it but somehow they did.

Sorry it's shorter than my previous chapters
I just wanted to get another chapter out as i haven't been able to update as much as i wanted to over the break,
Because i've been in the hospital the last few days, i'm out now so i wanted a quick chapter to get out for yall,
I'll see if i can get another chapter done today as i've got school again now
And i'm having end of term tests soon so i'll be quite busy with school work and shit
So sorry for not posting as much as i wanted to
And sorry for the short chapter, i'll make the next few longer......hopefully

And thank you so much for 550+ reads it means a lot to me!


MIN YOONGI IS DEAD | COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें