"Its a good thing your nose didn't fracture or it'll take weeks for it to heal" the nurse replied. "You wait here, I'm gonna go get some ice for your nose"

She left the room and once the door closed, Brick turned to look at me.

"What?" I replied in a bored tone.

"How come you and your friends don't like us that much?" Brick asked me.

"Its none of your business" I glared at him.

"Its definitely my business now tell me" he commanded.

"Its classified" I answered.

"Tell me or else" he threatened.

"What are you gonna do, lecture me or something?" I slightly smirked.

"Thats it!" he pinned me to the wall and made me look at his red eyes.

"Let me go!" I struggled to get out of his grip but couldn't because of his strength.

"Tell me why you and your friends don't like us!" Brick growled at me.

"I already told you, its none of your business!" I shouted at his face.

"You better tell me or I'll do something to you that you won't like" he leaned his face closer to mine.

"No way!" I struggled.

"You asked for it!" he pressed his lips on mine and I gasped, letting his tongue slip inside my mouth.

I tried to get out of his grip but he was much stronger than me and his body was pressed close to mine. I felt his tongue taste every corner of my mouth and after he removed his lips from mine, he began nibbling on my neck. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. I can't give in to his temptation. I mustn't fall for his lustful ways, I won't let him use me as a play toy.

I stomped his foot really hard and he howled in pain as he released me and clutched onto his aching foot.


He stopped clutching his aching foot and looked at me with wide aways and a look of shock came to him.

"The PowerPuff Girls Z were good friends of ours and you killed them! Why would you kill our friends? What have they ever done to you!?" I felt tears sliding down my cheeks but I ignored it. "We would never forgive you and your brothers for what you did and we don't believe that you are sorry because if you were sorry then you wouldn't have killed them! You boys are gonna pay for what you did and we'll have all the girls realize that women are a whole lot better than men so they can stop getting heartbroken by you womanizers!"

I quickly walked away from the nurse's office while wiping my tears away so I wouldn't have to look at Brick again.

"They'll pay for trying to kill us. They'll pay for taking away our loved ones. We'll always hate you RRBZ and we'll never forgive you ever. We'll make sure that the plan will work and once it happens, peace shall be restored again and no one will suffer from your rules" I thought as I walked back to my classroom.

Brick's p.o.v.

I watched her exit out of the nurse's office while she was wiping away her tears. I can't believe that she and her friends knew the PPGZ and they hate us for killing them. But why would she think that we aren't sorry, my brothers and I were definitely sorry for killing them but she thinks I'm lying. This weird pain in my chest came and I clutched it, hoping it would go away.

Its true that my brothers and I always break a lot of girls hearts but we only became playboys so we could try to forget about the PPGZ but we still can't get them off our minds. The girls were not only our enemies but our counterparts. They understood us more than anyone else and we never thought that they were the reason we were still alive. But since we killed them, we can't even live without them. Every night, Butch and I would always hear Boomer crying in his sleep saying its his fault that Bubbles died and we would always comfort him telling him that it wasn't his fault but ours. Mostly its my fault since I came up with the plan to finally destroy the girls and now my brothers and I are in grief because of it.

I slowly got up, ignoring the pain in my foot and sighed. I thought about Momoko's words and how heartbroken she was when she told me why we killed the PPGZ. To be honest, I really don't know. We wanted revenge on them for defeating us back in Egypt but I guess it went too far.

"I gotta find a way to make up to them and have them stop hating us but how?" I whispered to myself.

I looked at a rose that was in a vase filled with water and saw the petals slightly wilting after being near the sun for so long. I'm just like that rose, wilting with sadness after living in guilt for so long.

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