Chapter 7

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After bambam was gone jungkook found himself siting on the edge of his bed , looking into the void , thinking how fucked up the beginning of this year in the uni of his dream already is . he had some research to do, and sulking around will just make  things worse, jungkook always tend to overthink stuff and he knew if he didn't busy his mind with something , it won't stop , so he grabbed his round glasses since he has a weak sight and concentrating on bleu lighted screens for a long time always causes him a terrible headache ,since he was a child he used to wear glasses but stopped wearing them in highschool and start wearing instead a transparent eyes contacts . 

he was so emmersed doing his work in his laptop when he heard a knock on the door , he thought jimin forgot his keys or something, he raffled his damp hair from the shower he took earlier and pushed the round glasses to the bridge of his nose and got up to open the door to see the last person he would ever want to face right now , not when he finally calmed his mind and stopped sulking around and start doing his homework .

-" what the fuck are you doing here ? " jeongkook  saw the face of teahyung went from 'surprised' to 'super angry' within tow seconds , he chuckled internally knowing the  effect he has on the elder . 

-" it's me who should ask that question " the raven haired boy answered with a blank bored face . 

-" don't act smart with me, not when i'm hardly holding myself to not punch your face ! "

-" the hell ? you can't  knock and stand by my door and start threatening me ?? are you mentally stable ?? " the last sentence snapped something in teahyung ,  he pushed jungkook  strongly , the younger was caught off guard , he fell down, the impact caused  the glasses to crack.  they were  the fragile type,  so easy to crack and so expensive, buying another ones means investing a good amount of money from what he was saving for months , for other purposes . 

-" noo!! you broke my glasses !!" jungkook yelled  exanimating  the cracks on the glasses.

-" so what ? "

without uttering a single word jeongkook throw a punch at teahyung which he dodged easily and smirked .

-" SO WHAT!? they are so fucking expensive !! you bitch !!!" the younger yelled while throwing another punch at teahyung  this time teahyung held both of his arms tight and pushed him to the wall in front of the door of the dorm, rather harshly ,  and glared at jungkook , this is the second  time  they are  having their hands on each others throats,  today.

-" i told you to not play with me ? see what you made me do , i broke your glasses , oh so sad . " teahyung's words screamed sarcasm, as he held tighter on jungkook arms cornering him , jungkook tried to not wince in pain and not show his vulnerable face to the elder , he just kept glaring on the other and wondering how could teahyung change from the caring ,the sweet hyung to this heartless person. he feels like his mind is tricking him or he's dreaming cause is just so hard to believe it. 

-" what now jeon ? cat got your tongue ? where's that scary emo boy ? or... what you called yourself that time ...hmm yeah crazy bunny ? was it ? " teahyung said , openly making fun of the younger , his hold always  tight  and bruising on the other's arms.

jungkook blood was boiling ,he used the famous girly move as his body worked on it's own, his leg flew and kicked teahyung where the sun never shines and pushed him . teahyung let go of jeongkook's arms instantly and held  his manhood ,growling in pain.

-" i hope that will answer your question asshole " jungkook said while smirking and breathig heavily .

 before they could do anything else ,a running jimin and youngi came to the tow fighting males .

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