chapter 13

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yoongi woke up late monday morning and didn't find hoseok in their room which was unusual  , when they first were roomates tow years ago, yoongi made it clear that he would always miss morning classes if no one actually go to his  bed and shook  his body and made sure he is awake , yoongi was a heavy sleeper and a night owl spending most of his nights up late . his brain functioned pretty well  at night . since highschool he always  preferred studying complicated subjects like  math and physics late at night  until it became a habbit . So it was hoseok's mission to wake both of them every morning because yoongi would always sleep through his alarm until he  stopped bothering . he would always rely on hoseok when it comes to that since they attend most of classes together anyways .  

he stood up and noticed that hoseok's bed side was untouched , hoseok spend the weekend after the party mostly hanging out with jackson and some friends or at least that's what he told yoongi when he texted him yesterday when tow am rolled around  and he still didn't come back to their dorm .   

" where are you it's late ..   "    2:00 am

" i'm with some friends don't wait for me .. just sleep . "   2:05 am 

"okay be careful " 2:06 am  , hoseok looked at his phone and sighed . 

"seriously hoseok you're not going to your dorm it's tow am dude " jackson said while brushing his teeth 

" you can stay if you want  i don't mind it's my room too " bambam said giving hoseok a sweet smile . 

Hoseok spend the weekend in their dorm hanging out with jackson and he made a new friend ,bambam he was nice to him they even played video games together  , he had so much fun seeing the tow guys bickering over everything it almost made him forget about why he was there . 

" you should learn some manners from him , bambam is actually a really nice and sweet not an asshole like you told us jackson ' hoseok said with a teasing smile .

bambam gaped at him 

'you were shit talking about me behind my back ! How dare you "

jackson rolled his eyes 

" you don't have the right to complain and you litterly told everyone in the university i'm gay " 

"so ? you talk like being gay is wrong or something " bambam said disappointment lacing his voice.

" it's not " jackson answered him seriously he looked at bambam in his eyes

   "it just made me unconfortable .. "  jackson said sheepishly and averted his eyes from the deep look of his roomate and looked at his friend . 

" did you fight with him ? "  the question took hosoek by surprise 

"what ? no we didn't  why would you ask that " 

" because i feel like you have been avoiding him , is there something wrong going on between you tow ? "

"no there's not " hoseok said playing with his phone . 

" hoseok .. " 

"jakson everything is fine can i just crash here for the night .. please " hoseok said looking at both jackson and bam 

" of course man wait i have some clean matress " bambam said  handing him a pillow , jackson shook his head and went back to the bathroom . 

hoseok has a deep crush on the skinny white guy since freshman year . their personnalities were so contrast, so diffrent yet they clicked so perfectly together .

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