chapter 2

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and listen to this song , it's beautiful i was listening to it while writing this chapter

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and listen to this song , it's beautiful i was listening to it while writing this chapter ..


jungkook's POV :

i woke up at the noisy familiar sound of my alarm , if it was another day i would throw it like the usual and seek for more 5 minutes of sleep but today was an important day , today is my graduation day i shouldn't miss it . and it's not just about the graduation cerenomy but it's about the fact that i'm leaving Busan to one of the best college in Seoul . the college of engineering and architecture , it was my dream college since my childhood ,and since i love drawing , the architecture is the best major for my fortee .

i worked my ass off during highschool and thanks to that my scores allowed me to enter my dream college , they even offred me to do a test for skipping a year since i have high scores in all my school subjects . at fisrt i didn't want to do that , bacause there must be some important things to learn in the first year . but when i asked about that they said the test will decide if you are eligible for the skipping or not .. so i gave it a shot and guess what i succeeded . when i thought about it ; i found that it's good idea to be honest . the sooner i graduate the sooner i have money to support myself without my parents money , it's not like they are complaining or anything is just i want to be independant financially .

yes independant . i didn't know the meaning of this word ages ago . since i was little and too naive and totally dependant on certain person . but he left without turning back cutting me off completly . back then it hurted me a lot it still does because he was too special to me . but at the same time i kinda of thank him because without him i wouldn't be the person who i am right now . he made me learn to stand for myself and not wait for someone else to stand for me , he made me learn to fight for myself , he made me learn to be independant , and more important he made me learn to never believe in promises .

-" jungkookieee waaake uuup ! today is your graduation daaay wake up ! "

i heard the fading voice of my mom behind the door of my bedroom and i know she won't stop yelling until i get my ass on the break-fast table , typical mom . so i woke up quickly throwing my pijamas in the basket and walk directly to the shower to freshen up , god i love morning showers .

-" morning everyone . " i said lazily to my family while holding a chair to sit on .

-" morning sweetheart " mom said while giving me a plate of her delicious pancakes, honestly if you ask me about the most thing i will miss here is my mom's homemade food and this godly delicious pancakes !

-" morning oppa ! " said my little sister Tina while showing me her thoothless smile . regardless her angelic sight and innocant aura i know very well that she can be a satan sometimes but i love her neverthless .

-" morniing mom , morniing little devil ! " i said ruffling Tina's hair which wasn't very appreciable by her since she smacked my hand immediatly .

- " hey Tina that hurts ! where's dad ? " i said while patting my bruising hand , i told you she can be a devil sometimes .

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