chapitre 12

111 5 1

- "do you really think this is the right time to go and approach him " yoona  said to her twin sister michel and her best friend Lora as she was eyeing teahyung's noisy squad which was a bit away from them but she could still spot the boy she has crush on for so long
The girls just rolled their eyes at her , because she will always start day dreaming about him but always chicken out when it comes to doing the first step
" Common girls ! Support me ! Girls power ! Remember ? "
Michel smiled with
a mishvious smile she poured a shot to her friend and gave it to her , yoona emptied it quickly still looking at the guy with a pale skin  .
" I dare you to go and confess to him right now yoona "
Yoona slowly look at her friend like she grow to heads .
" Are you serious ? No I can't do that " yoona said shaking her head and preventing the  idea from sinking in .
" That's actually not a half bad idea "  her sister mumbled .
Yoona shrugged it and went to dance with her friends inside swaying her body and singing out loud , and the alcohol start kicking in , she felt her self a little tipsy she went to take a glass of water when she spotted yoongi entering with some of his friends and sitting in one of  couches and suddenly the idea of confessing to the guy she has been  fancying  for a long time doesn't seem so bad .

With a flushed face and a beating heart she  mastered all her courage up and decided to go to him .
Yoongi was with hoseok and jackson and some other guy emmersed in some interesting conversation a bit away from the mass of the dancing bodies , they didn't notice when a girl with a black dress and onyxe eyes came and stood close to them waiting for attention . When she didn't have any she tapped yoongi shoulders.
" Hey " she said smiling
" Hey " yoongi said , abit surprised for the sudden action
" Can I talk to you for a second " yoona said a bit nervous with pleading eyes .
" Sure "   yoongi said and a bit curious why this girl wanted him unlike hoseok who was watching the whole interaction and knew from the beginning what's going on , but he kept quiet and tried to look interested in whatever jackson in the other guy were talking but his eyes never leaving  the new girl and yoongi .

" Hmm I'm sorry if I interpreted you and your friends " yoona said , playing with her hands .
" No it's fine , is there something I can help you with ? "
Yoongi was a guy with a cold facade and for people who doesn't know him he seemed always bored and just not into it , but deep down and in the reality he is a nice guy , and not rude .
" No , my name is yoona  , there's something I have wanted to tell you , but i chicken out every time . " She said giggling a bit and rubbing her arm to sooth her nerves .

" I actually like you , i hope we will get to know each other more and who knows maybe you will end up liking me too , I'm not that boring after all " she said smiling and innerly cringing on what she just said . Yoongi just smiled his gummy smile which put her at ease a little bit , she was beautiful and cute and her spontaneousness made her seem even cuter .

" You seem nice , but i already like someone else , I'm sorry " yoongi smiled appologising .
Her face showed a bit of disappointment she smiled nevertheless .
" But we can be friends of course " he said  and made her smile brighter .
" Sure , I'll see you Monday " she said and he tilted his head questioning her .
" We have the same class , mechanical " she said smiling
" Oh man my least favorite class , i can barely keep my eyes open there , it's boring "

She laughed and nodded because indeed it was the most boring class with the most complicated teacher .
They fell in a easy conversation about the studies since they are in the same year and have the same classes like tow common friends do .yoora was kinda disappointed about the rejection but she was glad that she did what a powerful dependent woman would do and she was proud of that and she also liked  how nice youngi was , even if he has no interest in her  , he was nice , for afar he surely gave people the wrong aura but she knew he would be decent .

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