Chapter 16

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'' tea .. teahyungie  i'm going to miss you ..'' said a crying boy in teahyung's embrace ,he  couldn't see the boy's face , he could only hear his agonizing cries  , when teahyung tried to wriggle from his embrace,  the boy hugged him tighter . crying ''please stay , please stay ! '' . 

he blinked, the boy was gone and teahyung was in a car going full speed , his mom was driving not aware of the speed nor teahyung who was freaking out in the  passenger seat . 

 '' mom ? m--mom slow down we are going to crash , mom , moom !'' , the car turned around  suddenly and went flying crushing in the ground . he couldn't feel his limbs , he opened his eyes everything was covered in blood , his mom was laying there unconscious her neck placed in some abnormal angle . teahyung tried to wake her up .

''mom answer me, why you're not answering me mom '' teahyung was crying his hands are trying to reach her but they don't , she's close yet so far . 

''nooo noo don't close you eyes yet mom !! mom ! please stay  !''  

teahyung jolted from his sleep , drenched in sweat , heart beating so fast , he blinked and touched his face , it was wet , he was still crying .he rubbed his face and lay down again . his heart feeling heavy hammering against his ribcage, it was happening again ,the haunting  nightmares of the boy and the accident , although he lost consciousness right away after the accident, his mind  was tricking him for years  , making him feel like  he was there and saw it all , showing it  to him like a movie scene, the dream start everytime differently but ends up by teahyung laying  beside his unconscious mom  crying not able to  reach her .
he suddenly felt like the bed is burning him , he got up and sat next to the window it was still dark , five am his clock glared. his hands were itching for a  cigarette , he killed that habit long ago when he decided to fix his shit ,  but now he would kill for a drag .  

he sighed and went to the bathroom , he splashed water on his face and went back to his bedroom the sun was already rising .  golden sunrays illuminating softly the dark bedroom like a candle . his eyes fell on colorful portrait of himself when he was young , it was beautifully  drawn and painted , the golden sunrays were dancing on the colorful piece making it even more vibrant if that was possible , in the portrait he was holding a puppy in a field of flowers, a cute boxy smile adoring his face. he looked charming . he looked happy  , he touched the frame of the piece , feeling weird looking at a version of himself he had never met .

'' was i ever  this happy? '' he whispered to himself. he can't know ,he doesn't  even know from where he got this frame , was it from his mom , was it someone else .  he couldn't know a lot of things . the only close family member who was suppose to be there for him was his father but the later wasn't an option . 

his father was most of the time at work back when they were in Busan, teahyung had a more  closer relationship with his mother than his father, his father wasn't bad they just weren't as close . but after his wife's death Su-jin fell in a severe depression, drowned himself in work and alcohol. after teahyung was discharged from the  hospital  he found his aunt Iseul  , she is the one who went with him to all of his appointments and followed the doctors  prescriptions . his father was nowhere to be seen . he went for work trips one after another overseas and turned back after five months . he would call his sister to check on his son  and send her money . but he couldn't call him himself . 

Teahyung overheard his aunt Iseul several times arguing with her brother over the phone .


"No you listen to me , this is not healthy Su-jin your son needs you " she said desperately. There was a silent moment, she sat at the couch rubbing her Temples . She sighed .

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