Chapter 29. Sweet Dreams

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Lydia's POV

He watches me as I get dressed I can feel his eyes on me but ignore them then walk over and sit beside him. I'm always intrigued by his stories I can't seem to help it, he fascinates me in every possible way.

He chuckles. "Comfy?" 

"Mhm." I nod.

"Back then we had brothels." He chuckles.

"What is a brothel?" I ask.

"It's an old term I suppose, now a days it'd be called a whore house." He rolls his eyes.

My jaw drops in horror and he laughs.

"You asked." He points out I nod and give him a curious look so he continues. "Back then you could sleep with a bunch of women and be married it's not like your wife could even divorce you."

"Did you do that?" I gasp.

"Well Lydia wasn't my first, I never cheated on her though." He shrugs.

I snort. "Maybe you should of."

He laughs. "It didn't seem right, marriage was sacred back then I knew that. I had no reason to want to sleep with a bunch of other women I was attracted to my wife." He shrugs. "Back then women didn't normally cheat though was rare and if they did they got in big trouble. Men would beat their wives for things like that and tell the whole damn town then that girl would be like shunned. It was really frowned upon but was never a big deal if a guy did it. Guys could even rape women back then it didn't matter."

My jaw drops in horror. "Noway."

"It's true love sorry." He shrugs.

"You didn't ever..." I trail off.

He rolls his eyes. "No I frowned upon that, I didn't feel it was right. They make a way bigger deal out of sex though then they used to. Now there is a legal age in which you can and can't have sex. That I don't particularly agree on, girls back then were having sex by the time they got their periods."

"What if they were like five?!" I shout.

"Well not that young I suppose." He chuckles. "Girls got married younger back then to, I was seventeen when Lydia and I got married she was fifteen."

"Really?" I gasp.

He nods. 

"Lydia's twin was married by thirteen to a seventeen year old." He shrugs. 

"Wow." I breath.

"It's rather cute how amused you are by these things. Lydia and I had sex before we were even married, she wasn't a virgin either the first time her and I had sex. Me I'd slept with a few girls before her." He admits. "Back then sex was just sex. Gambling wasn't frowned upon it was really normal and so was drinking. I used to get drunk and gamble at twelve years of age."

"Wow you weren't joking about the rebel thing." I chuckle.

He chuckles under his breath. "No I wasn't and I used to get my ass beat for it to. Like one night my dad found me at the whore house in town with a twenty three year old when I was thirteen. I was really bad boy." He shakes his head.

I roll my eyes and climb onto his lap. "That's really hard to believe considering how well behaved you usually are."

"I just... learned to be a gentlemen over the years, I wasn't always this nice you're just lucky." He says running his fingers through my hair, I smile and press my lips to his.

"That is an interesting story." I admit. "I never would have thought things were just as bad back then."

"Oh they were easily just as bad maybe even worse. People got away with murder rape beatings..." He trails off and shrugs. "People just don't get away with it now like they did then that is the only difference."

"Hmm." I hum. 

"Anyway your parents are just down the block, I better get going it's getting late." He says softly and presses his lips to my neck a quiet moan escapes me.

"Don't leave." I plead.

"Sorry." He chuckles then disappears. 

"Ugh Silas!" I growl.

He heard me I can hear his laughter but it fades away, I sigh and decide to get up and head downstairs.

My grandparents are in the door first I smile hug and kiss them excitedly I haven't seen them since Logan's funeral which was already six months ago hard to believe. They're my grandparents on my dads side they flew in from Washington.

The rest of my family will be here by tomorrow morning, some are driving not living far away and the others are flying in. It's going to be a very long week. 

My grandparents ask how I am doing and I tell them I'm doing well. Lily doesn't speak a whole lot but she is actually polite which is rather surprising. Supper tonight is not nearly as big as what it will be tomorrow and the day after. My family tends to go all out on Christmas, personally I like Halloween better. 

After dinner I excuse myself I'm exhausted. Once alone in my room I decide to text Silas saying goodnight to him, he responds quickly.

Silas: Sweet dreams love.

I wish he'd come over but I know he won't, there will be to many people in the house. I'm considering sneaking out but then again knowing my luck I'd get busted.

Instead I throw the blankets back and crawl under the covers. It takes me quite a while to fall asleep because I can't stop thinking about the things that Silas said today. It's interesting how much has changed since he was a human yet how much things haven't changed.

A dreamless sleep finally takes me over that is until I hear somebody say my name.

Confused and groggy I sit up on my bed opening my eyes. And there he is sitting on my bed quiet and still.

I'm about to scream but his eyes widen and he quickly throws a hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream Lydi!" He hushes me.

I'm dreaming, I have to be. He slowly lowers his hand and stares into my eyes.

"Logan?" I breath. "I-is it r-really you?" 

He smiles and nods. "It's me."

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