Chapter 13. Trust Me?

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Lydia's POV

"What do you mean?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Well I technically saw you in Charleston before you moved away. I saw you, you didn't see me. I also saw you frequently in Portsmouth. You seemed so...miserable that I kept coming back to check on you." He looks away almost shyly.

"You watched me?" I breath then swallow nervously.

"Let's just say... there is very little left to learn about you. I know most things about you already." He says quietly sitting up and looking at me curiously. "Does that bother you?"

Does it bother me that a vampire was stalking me?

"" I answer truthfully. "But I don't understand."

"Well after I came to Portsmouth I saw the necklace. It took me at least a month to figure out how the hell you wound up with it." He admits running a hand through his hair messing it slightly. My heart beats faster as he moves closer to me, my stomach fills with butterflies.

He reaches for my hand pulling me to a stand in a swift movement, I gasp stumbling into him he catches me steadying me. "So it is hers?" I ask.

"It is yes." He nods. "Her and her twin sister had the two necklaces that now belong to your brother and you. They're very old..." He trails off. "Come on." He says pulling me  toward's the stairs.

I grab my flashlight before he yanks on my hand again. I go with him up the curved staircase with him. The entire house is so grand and beautiful even for being so old. 

We walk down a wide long hallway at the end of the hallway he opens a door to a set of stairs. He pulls my hand and we go up the stairs. We're in a tower, it resembles almost like a light house but it isn't. He pulls me through a door and we're out on a roof. "Aren't you afraid we'll fall through."

He chuckles. "Well I'm hardly afraid of anything."

I roll my eyes. "Should I be afraid?" I ask looking into his eyes.

Before answering he looks away. "Of course not, I wouldn't let you get hurt. Besides they've done great with preserving and protecting this house it's in perfect condition." He looks back at me his eyes lighting slightly that I can't help but walk closer to him.

He stays sitting on a railing that looks out over the entire yard. "It's beginning to get light out." I whisper.

"You see the sunrise from up here, it's quite beautiful." He says softly.

I nod in understanding, he takes a deep breath before looking back down at me again. "The necklace has been in Lydia's family always and it has never left her family." He whispers.

"What?" I ask in shock. "A-are you saying I'm related to-" I cut off staring off into the yard to in shock to finish what I was trying to say.

"You're a direct descendant of her sister on your mothers side..." He trails off. "Lydia would be like your great times ten aunt." He jokes. 

"Is that why you haven't killed me? Because I'm related to Lydia?" I ask looking at him stepping away and crossing my arms over my chest. For some reason I feel jealous at the thought that he may be trying to replace Lydia with me.

"No I don't kill anyone I quit that a couple hundred years ago. I've been a vampire since June of 1647." He shrugs.

"You weren't quite twenty then." I say softly looking away.

"Just a few months before turning twenty." He says.

"So you're like nearly four hundred years old." I say out loud.

"Well 372 in vampire years but all together 392 almost." He shrugs.

"So Lydia Stone is my aunt?" I ask.

"Yeah, really distant." 

"What was her sisters name?" 


When I turn around the sun looks like it's about to come up, then a thought runs through me and I turn to face him he's right behind me. "How do you come out in the sun?" I ask.

He smirks. "I'll explain that another time, that is sort of... a secret trait of mine." He winks.

"You won't get burned?" I arch an eyebrow.

"No." He shakes his head.

I nod in understanding and look back to the sunrise. "Do you sleep in a casket?" 

He throws his head back and laughs. "Really? A casket? Come on love you must know that's just movie shit." He rolls his eyes.

"Right because meeting a vampire is just such a common thing these days." I say sarcastically narrowing my eyes which makes him smirk.

"Actually I can sleep if I choose too, though I can't have dreams or anything and I don't have to sleep." He shrugs.

"When's the last time you slept?" I ask.

"Oh about... three weeks ago." He says casually.

"What the fuck." I grunt turning around.

"We really should get going love." He says softly.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I ask turning to look up at him.

"I'll get us out." He smiles. "Trust me?"

I bite my lip as I stare at the gorgeous boy...whom is apparently older then the declaration of independence which is sort of mind blowing... "I trust you." I say softly leaning into him slightly. 

His face becomes serious as he grabs my arms winding them around his neck as we stare into each other's eyes. My pulse quickens something strong and unexplainable seems to pass through us. He tightens his hold around my waist but before he can move I speak. "Can I ask one more question?"

"One." He agree's.

"I had a dream about you the night before I moved back to Charleston... but I'm not sure-" I cut off sounding stupid to myself.

He stiffens slightly my breathing becomes faster and unsteady.

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