Chapter 12. Dead?

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Lydia's POV

He takes a deep breath. "I'm the man in the picture... " He trails off. "My name is Silas Alexander Morgan."

The words that come out of his mouth make my head spin and I stumble backwards slightly then shake my head. "No w-way." 

He snorts biting his lip as if not to laugh. "Oh come on Lydia you knew there was something... off about me didn't you?"

"B-but that would make you... dead." I gasp.

"Well..." He trails off pursing his lips and shrugging. "You could put it that way but most people use the term immortal." He chuckles.

"Are you a ghost?" I wonder stepping closer curiously.

"You're weird I admit to being immortal and you're stepping closer to get a better look? Are you fucking nuts?" He asks chuckling quietly, I roll my eyes.

"Funny." I huff.

"If I was a ghost do you think you'd see me? Not only that you see me but everyone else can." He points out.

"Then what?" I whisper.

"I'm a vampire." He answers bluntly.

"I'm dreaming or better yet I'm insane thanks for the chat I'm going home now." I say turning to make a beeline for the door.

I'm only five feet from the door and just in three steps that I take he's already there blocking my way out. I gasp in horror spinning around to face where he'd been standing then turn to look back at him. "How did you-" I cut off losing my breath.

"I'm faster then you." He smirks, his face goes back to serious all humor gone. "We're not finished talking love I have much to tell you." 

He pushes himself off the door moving closer to me, for some ridiculous reason I'm not scared. Even after what he just told me I can't feel scared of him but it's so much to wrap my head around. I sigh turning around and heading for the living room with my flashlight.

"You don't need that." He says taking the light turning it off, I gasp at the dark. 

"Alex!" I hiss, his ghostly laugh comes from every corner of the room in three seconds there is a candle lit in four corners of the living room. I look around curiously being able to see the living room even better and the picture above the fireplace which he's now standing in front of. Admiring it maybe?

He's off in a daze but I'm curious so I stand up forcing myself to move forward and looking at the photo.

"Aren't you afraid the guard..." I trail off.

"Nah." He shrugs. "I'd just kill him if he caught us." Alex turns winking at me.

My jaw drops in horror.

"Relax you little freak I was only joking." He chuckles.

"Your jokes suck." I roll my eyes.

"No seriously though, I'd hear him if he was coming smell him even he's way over at the museum sleeping." He says then moves in a blur, I turn around to see where he went he's now laying on the large old sofa. His hands behind his head and his ankles up on the arm of the couch with his ankles crossed.

"You look at home?" I ask arching an eyebrow.

"Well it is technically my house love, though I admit slightly different this furniture isn't what I had here." He shrugs. "So anyways you up for a long story?" He asks.

"Sure." I shrug sitting on one of the arm chairs at the foot of the couch. He smiles wistfully at me then looks up at the picture the candles lighting up his beautiful face and his blue eyes bright even in the dark. "Odd, I admit I figured you'd probably take it this way..." He trails off.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"You're taking it rather well don't you think, I told them you probably would but they didn't believe me." He shrugs.

"They?" I ask.

"My family." He says looking back at me. "Well vampire family."

"You all are? What about your dad?" I ask confused.

"John, he created me not exactly my dad..." He trails off. "Anyway back to the story... I was born here in Portsmouth October 1627. I'd got married at the age of seventeen to Lydia Stone had a son Alexander Silas Morgan and a daughter Elizabeth Mary Morgan." He looks distant. "We stayed here my folks moved away and we kept this house that once was my parents. There was a war going on back then over in Europe and I'd been drafted. My son was a year old my wife pregnant with my daughter but I had no choice."

My jaw drops in shock. "A Europe war? That's ridiculous."

"It didn't happen often but it happened. Though I was born American my parent's were from Europe they moved here right after they got married." He shrugs. "Anyways I'd been able to come home once in the near year I was over there to meet my daughter. Then I went back and I got shot four times in the chest. John had been out hunting humans at the time he did that. John found me barely alive I told him I wanted to see my kids and wife one last time. John took pity on me, he'd never changed anyone before but he did me granting my wish." 

"I'd gone back to see them watch them even they were beautiful happy and I was filled with such regret. I was always kind of a rebel kid growing up never followed the rules and I was beginning to think maybe that's why I wound up dead. They never saw me again but I'd stop from time to time to see them. Lydia remarried about twelve years later had two more kids with the guy and took care of mine." He looks back to a time I can't see, tears build in my eyes.

"Anyway that's my past..." He purses his lips looking at me. "Are you crying?" 

"No." I croak in a hoarse tone giving myself away as I wipe my eyes.

"Maybe that's enough of the story for one night." He says softly sitting up.

"No I'd like to hear the rest." I tell him, he watches me for a moment but nods. "Why is she wearing my necklace?" I ask him.

He looks at me and smiles. "You know, that actually took me weeks to figure out."

"You've only known me a couple weeks Alex." I roll my eyes.

He smirks. "Oh no love, I've known you much longer then that."

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