Chapter 28. The Book You're reading

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Lydia's POV

It's two days to Christmas I've not spent much time with Silas the last few days but we're normally together every day. I'd managed to spend time with my friends and family instead. Everything seems to be going slower without him around.

"Mom?" I ask.

"Yes hon?" She asks turning around from the fridge.

"When are these cookies supposed to come out?" I ask looking at them with the oven open. "They look done." 

She comes over to check them. "Oh yes definitely done take those out."  I quickly take them from the oven setting them on the counter to cool down. 

"Them cookies smell amazing ladies." Dad says as he walks into the kitchen.

"I bet they don't taste amazing." Lily says sitting at the counter with her nose in a book.

Dad sits down beside her. "Lily please behave it's the holidays." Dad tells her softly squeezing her shoulder gently. Mom and I are leaning against the counters with our arms crossed, I roll my eyes and mom sighs.

"Sorry." Lily says quietly looking at dad then back down to her book. Now I'm staring at her dumbfounded, what got into her?

"What's the book you're reading Lil?" I ask.

"It's about vampires." Lily says and looks up at me.

"Oh..." I trail off trying to sound casual. "Any good?"

"It is." She nods then looks back down.

"Well mom since the cookies are done and everyone will be here later I'm going to go to my room for a bit. Unless you need help with something else?" I ask curiously.

"Go ahead I'll let you know if I need you." She kisses my cheek, dad smiles at me as I walk past heading for the hall. 

My parents managed to put three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the guest house with living room and kitchen area. They finished remodeling it and it looks just like a three bedroom house now it even has a patio area and Jacuzzi. We still have a few guest rooms as well inside the house so mom decided to host our family Christmas this year for both sides hers and dads. 

My entire family under one roof for one week, it's going to be fucking crowded. I begged my parents to not force me to give up my bedroom this year and they agreed. Lily however has to give up her room and sleep on the couch boy is she not happy about it. 

The wind suddenly blows and a shiver runs down my spine I turn around seeing my curtains fly. "What the?" I spin around again to face my bed and there is Silas. He's got his back against my head board his legs straight out his ankles crossed with his nose in a book. It's like he's been there the entire time and I'm just realizing it. "Um." I breath staring at him.

"Hello love." He says as if he just noticed my prescience. I quickly walk over locking my door then turning to face him. He looks completely at ease as he flips to fast to possibly be reading the pages. "Wow this book is a bit disturbing." He says as he flips another page.

Then again maybe he really is reading it but he's already near half way done with it. It's Identical by Ellen Hopkins. He flips through another page staring at it as if he is disturbed by it. 

"You don't actually like this stuff do you? I mean jesus the girl in this book is c-" I cut him off.

"Don't ruin it Silas!" I hiss. "I've not read it yet!"

"Oh." He chuckles as he flips the page. "My mistake love. Have you read other books by her? I've heard of her, she does much on abuse or drugs yes?" He asks.

"I really like her books there is so much reality to them." I tell him honestly.

"How so?" He asks as he flips through another page.

"Are you not aware of society now a days?" I arch a brow. "This isn't 1650 Silas." I roll my eyes.

He chuckles in response but waits for me to continue.

"Teens all over the world are having sex at to young of an age or doing drugs some getting abused by their parents. Depressed from being bullied and that's kind of what she writes about. She shows the negativity abuse drugs or sex can have." I shrug.

"Well the drug thing wasn't a problem when I was a teen I admit but we probably had sex more back then, then kids do now." He shrugs.

My jaw drops. 

"We also drank at a younger age as well." He says casually as he flips a page. "Also what is considered abuse now was considered punishment back then, of course we weren't little assholes." He chuckles. "We didn't want our asses beat so we actually behaved. Now if you spank a child with your belt and leave a welt on their behind you're going to prison for child abuse." He shrugs as he flips the page.

"Now I'm curious." I admit.

He laughs flipping the page. He doesn't look at me as I take a seat on the bed cross legged beside him.

"Alright I'll tell you as soon as your mother leaves." He says tossing the book into my lap then disappears.

"Wha-" I breath looking around for him but there is no sign he was ever even here, then a knock comes on my door.

I go over unlocking it and yanking it open to find my mother standing before me. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Why did you have your door locked?" She asks confused.

"I was just about to change into my pajama's you knocked just as I was about to grab them, what's up?" I ask casually.

"Oh sorry, was just letting you know your father and I got to get your grandparents from the airport then run to the store. We're taking Lily with us." She shrugs.

"Okay sounds good. Could you get me more razors?" I ask.

"Yes of course." She smiles turning to walk away, I breath a sigh of relief then shut my door when I turn back around Silas is there on my bed same position with book in his hand. It's almost like he'd never moved.

"Don't forget to actually change to make that story real." He says looking at me and smirking. "Can I watch you get undressed?" 

I laugh. "It's the best I had okay?"

He shrugs. "It wasn't to bad of a lie I suppose. Good Job, she seemed to of bought it. Anyways there is no real need to lock your door love I hear everything so if they're coming I'll know."

"You going to tell me now?" I ask.

"Get changed first." He smiles devilishly at me. I huff in irritation but don't argue I turn towards my closet to grab pajama's.  

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