Chapter 23. Off Limits

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Lydia's POV

"You should go to sleep you look exhausted." Silas says reaching over and brushing my hair away from my face. The sky is still dark Silas insisted he can still get me home before my parents wake in the morning. Truth is I can't stop thinking about the soul squeezing kiss that'd happen just an hour ago. It was unlike anything I've never been kissed like that. Life changing in a sense. 

"You know they probably suspect I'm just out with friends my usual gag on today." I shrug.

He arches an eyebrow.

"Really you're a vampire and don't know it's Halloween?" I ask teasingly.

He laughs. "It's November first now though love." 

"It ain't over til I'm asleep." I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"If you don't want to go home where do you want to go?" He asks staring out the windshield.

Instead of answering him I grab his free hand that was laying on the shift pulling it into my lap. He stares down at me his lips parted as I intertwine our fingers, I give him a small smile. "Wherever you're going."

He doesn't answer right away but he just gives me a simple nod and turns to look back out the windshield. 

Silas doesn't try to keep conversation with me he stays quiet turning soft music on in the car. I'm guessing he wants me to go to sleep and of course it's working. After awhile longer my eyes are to heavy and without my permission they just close.


When I wake the sun is bright pouring through the windows but it must still be early. It takes me a moment to recall what got me in this huge hotel looking bedroom...

"Silas!" I gasp lurching forward off the bed.

"In here love." He calls. 

That's when I make out the top of his head sitting in an arm chair in his sitting room just across from his bed through double doors which are open.

When I sit down on the couch closest to the arm chair he's sitting in he looks sideways at me from the book he's reading. "Hungry?" He asks nodding at the table confused I look down at the table.

There's a huge tray of food in front of me on the coffee table there is pancakes sausage bacon eggs and cheese hash browns orange juice coffee and syrup. 

"What?" Silas asks confused when I grimace at the food.

"You can cook?" I ask doubtfully.

He rolls his eyes. "I was human to you know."

"Hundreds of years ago." I snort. "You can't expect me to eat all this by myself I don't weigh five hundred pounds Silas."

He laughs. "Well I'm much better at it now. We still eat food if we want to it doesn't taste any different then it used to we just don't need it to survive. I didn't know what you liked so I made a bit of everything."

"You can eat?" I ask in shock.

"Well yes but I usually don't." He shrugs.

"How does that work?" I ask confused.

He chuckles. "Scientifically I don't know love, like I said taste buds didn't change much food still tastes good but we don't have to eat it. Drinking blood is much like being dehydrated it quenches thirst not hunger exactly. So if you go months without drinking it you get like dehydrated almost and if you go long enough you die." He shrugs. 

"Is that the only way you die?" I ask.

"No there is one other way of course." He says and smiles wickedly at me.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what that is?" I ask curiously as I grab a piece of bacon taking a bite of it. Of course it tastes fucking amazing like best bacon EVER.

"Hmm maybe eventually." He gives me a devious look. "To be honest you were snoring so loudly love I didn't think you were going to get out of bed." He chuckles.

My jaw drops. "I don't snore."

"How do you know? You're sleeping." He laughs I roll my eyes.

"Nobody has ever told me I snore I just sleep walk and-" I stop looking away.

"Sleep talk?" He asks giving me a side glance with a brow arched.

"I'm guessing you've heard it?" I ask.

"Not much, but you do talk more then sleep walk. I've noticed you mostly sleep walk when you have a really bad nightmare. You sleep talk only a bit after you first fall asleep normally."

"How do you know all that?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I've seen you sleep enough to know." He admits.

I shrug it off I already knew that sort of. "Have their been other times I slept walk with you around?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah you did that the first night you came back to Charleston to almost right out your window but I stopped you so you turned around and got back into bed." He chuckles. "I've heard of sleep walkers never met one though, sleep talkers are more often then sleep walkers. It's kind of interesting watching you sleep walk." 

"What are we doing today?" I ask.

"We?" He asks.

I nod. "It's Saturday unless you got something else to do... I can leave." I shrug.

"I had Molly find you clothes she is the same size as you. Figured we could just hang around here for the day there isn't much else to do..." He trails off thoughtfully. "We could watch movies."

"Okay." I nod

"Clothes are in the bathroom for you." He says quietly then goes back to reading.

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure." He breaths not looking up from the book.

"Did John change all of you?" I ask curiously.

"No." He admits.

"Have you changed anyone?" I ask feeling a little bit rude asking.

He looks at me his eyebrows knitted together he shuts the book throwing it down on the table watching me the entire time I jump at his sudden mood swing.

"Yes." He says standing up and then disappearing out of his room probably before I can interrogate him further. Clearly some subjects are still off limits between us but I don't understand why.

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