Chapter 26. Forgive Me

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Lydia's POV

"Did you just come here to make things worse? Mess with my head?" I ask angrily.

"That is ridiculous of course not." He says looking at me breathing heavily.

"Then why do you always pull away from me?" 

"I can't help it!" He throws his hands in the air. "Damn it Lydia this is your fault!" He yells pointing a finger at me.

"How is it my fault?!" I shout kneeling up on the edge of the bed. He moves with blinding speed towards me stopping in front of me making me gasp.

"Are you kidding? Damn it look at what you're wearing! How is it not your fault?! Why the fuck do you gotta damn good." He groans throwing his hands over his face rubbing it in frustration. 

The conversation turned into something I didn't quite expect. "W-what do you m-mean?" I stutter. He inhales deeply dropping his hands to look at me. 

"Girls didn't dress back then like they do now." He groans. "So fucking difficult to keep myself under control with you. It's particularly hard with you when I crave you sooo badly." He says softly now kneeling on the bed. My lips part in surprise and the air escapes my lungs. "I'm not human anymore but that doesn't mean I don't feel things, if anything there times ten as a vampire then they were human or maybe it's just because of you..." He trails off his eyes zeroing in on my chest that is rising and falling fast.

He licks his lips his eyes trailing further down me. 

A giggle escapes me. "You're turned on?" I ask. "And you think that I'm not?" 

He narrows his eyes at me. "Whatever you want to call it love, glad it's amusing to you. Though I don't think you suffer quite the same consequences as a guy does." He rolls his eyes.

I fall back onto my bed in a fit of giggles, he hovers over the top of me between my legs I go quiet from the look in his eyes. "I should go." He says quietly. I prop myself up on my elbows so I can press my lips to his. I push at his chest but he doesn't move, I push harder he groans tangling a hand in my hair. He finally gives me what I want. 

Now that I'm straddling him moving my lips in sync with his I can feel his hard on through his jeans. A moan escapes me as he trails a hand up the back of my shirt. Some part of me is nervous but I push the feeling a way as I trail a hand down his chest. I push him down both of us falling back onto the bed. 

"Tu te sens incroyable." He moans breaking the kiss just as I got his jeans unbuttoned.

"What?" I breath.

He chuckles. "It's French." He says quietly.

"What does it mean?" I ask knitting my eyebrows together.

His face becomes serious he runs his fingers through my hair pushing it out of my eyes. "You feel amazing." He whispers staring intently into my eyes. When I don't speak he presses his lips to my neck.

My ovaries...

"Fai l'amore con me." I moan, even though I never took French class and I can't speak French I can speak Italian like a pro though. To scared to say it in English so it comes out in a second language and I'm almost worried that I'm going to have to translate.

Apparently he knows Italian to because I'm suddenly beneath him and what clothes I had on are already gone.

Wow he's fast.

"Have you..." He trails off licking his lips.

"No." My breathing hitches I'm feeling even more nervous.

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