Chapter 10. Sleep Walking

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Lydia's POV

"This was suppose to be a project that took two weeks and you did it in two hours, flawlessly?" I ask in disbelief staring up at him. "What the hell are you?" I whisper.

He snickers and rolls his eyes. "I suppose whatever you want me to be." He smirks devilishly at me with his hands behind his head laying on the couch arching an eyebrow.

"This isn't funny Alex you know plagiarism is illegal right?" I snort.

"Really?" He asks sitting forward and standing up. He hovers over me like a sky scraper, my heart begins to pound in my chest. "It's totally original no reason to be jealous that you met someone smarter then you love." 

His eyes are intimidating as hell but his expression is a bit playful his chest rising and falling as quickly as mine. "I-you- what?" I breath feeling sort of drunk.

He leans closer toward's me his face just an inch from mine. The study door suddenly opens and Sam is standing there. "Dad called, you're supposed to call him back when you have a moment." He says quietly.

"Sure." Alex says back sounding almost agitated? Alex looks down at me for a moment before speaking. "I'll walk you out, don't fret about the assignment it'll pass I promise." His eyes are so sincere that I can't even argue.

So I agree and grab my book bag he stands close beside me as we walk to the front door he opens it for me, I step out but turn back to face him. "Have a good night." I tell him politely.

"Sweet dreams." He says, there's something about the way he says it but he closes the door ripping me away from the thought so I quickly go down to my car. The drive home feels like hours compared to the drive here. 

My thoughts are so heavy they make me feel almost groggy in a way. Something about Alex is so strange but I can't put my finger on it he feels familiar to me somehow.

Just as I crawl into bed I lay there feeling wide awake replaying the last two words he'd said in my head. Finally I feel my mind become unbearably foggy and I fall asleep.

Some part of me knows I must be dreaming because I'm back in Portsmouth. I'm running out the door, I'm sleeping?

The dream becomes clearer it's a dream of me sleep walking. I walk clear to the bridge seeing the party and my brother except he isn't there he's part of my dream.

Just before I can jump off the bridge in my sleep something hard hits me...

No something grabs me around the waist and suddenly I'm flying?

When I suddenly feel myself being lowered onto my bed I open my eyes for just a moment into a pair of familiar blue ones but my eyes are to heavy and they shut again.


I wake up gasping for air.

What the hell was that? I look around my bedroom as if to find something but there is nothing to find. I take an unsteady breath and look at the time it's six o'clock so I decide to get out of bed and get ready for school.

After I get out of the shower I look at my complexion, I look like something off the walking dead. I sigh grabbing my makeup bag. Normally I don't wear makeup but I'd hate to alarm anyone but my dark baggy eyes and pale face.

Once I put my makeup away I quickly tie my hair up in a messy bun and get dressed. Downstairs is quiet everyone is gone which isn't unusual. It's a bit colder today but it's to late to go back inside for a jacket.

The heater in the car warms me quickly the school parking lot already packed by the time I arrive. Maybe I should start waking up sooner. As I get out of my car and turn around I see Alex sitting on the trunk of his GTO. He's alone with headphones in his ears plugged into his phone.

"Lydia?" A deep husky voice comes from behind me as I'm ogling the boy across the parking lot from me. I spin around to see who'd come up behind me.

"Kevin?" I ask surprised.

"I heard you were back." He smiles.

"Yeah, I almost was thinking you moved." I grimace.

"No was on vacation in the Bahamas with my folks." He shrugs. "How are you?" He asks.

Really? Like he cares, anger sears through me I'm glad I get this moment with Kevin. "Like you give a shit." I narrow my eyes. "I think it's funny the second you found out I was moving away you dumped me like a sack of potato's. You didn't even text or call to see how I was doing, you didn't care. Don't act like you do now." I spit spinning around and marching away from him.

"Lydia wait-" He says as he grabs me but his hands quickly disappear.

I spin around in shock to see Alex throwing him down on top of a car like he weighs five pounds. My eyes widen in horror. "Leave the girl the hell alone." Alex says in a calm quiet but intimidating voice. So intimidating that it even sends a shiver down my spine though it isn't me he's angry at. 

Kevins eyes are huge in shock his hands up as if in surrender. Before he can say a word Alex pulls him off the car sets him on his feet and pats him on the head, I almost want to laugh but I can't. 

I'm frozen where I stand as Alex walks towards me, he rests his hand on the side of my cheek forcing me to look at him. "You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I croak.

He then moves past me I look at Kevin, Kevin looks back at me in irritation then shakes his head angrily and walks away. Kevin is a jock whom I dated for two years on and off because he'd pressure me over the sex thing and I wasn't ready.

Then when he found out I was moving he said 'well I was thinking we should see other people anyway.' What was hard was Kevin and I were friends for so long... I thought we were but there's so much bad history with him I can hardly consider it that.

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