Chapter 21. Strange

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Lydia's POV

"You can't just stroll into my life and walk out as you please Silas!" I spit angrily as he begins to walk toward's the window, that stops him like someone had electrocuted him. He stiffens and straightens up he slowly turns back to glare at me.

"Do you think that is what I'm trying to do? Intentionally...hurt you?" He asks angrily like he feels...insulted.

"Yes." I answer honestly.

"Well love I've got news for you. I'm three hundred and seventy four years older then you are. I'm not even supposed to exist and if I didn't you wouldn't have anything to worry about. I've saved your life four times already-" I cut him off.

"Four?" I squeak.

He smirks deviously at me. "Yes four, I'd told you not to go back to Portsmouth. We aren't the only vampires lurking and one had their sights set on you that night I found you in the cemetery. You're the most troubled girl I've ever met and I felt sorry for you, I watched you to make sure you were okay. The night after your brother vanished I found you. Another vampire was just about to attack you so I...killed it." He purses his lips. "And it isn't just all of this I'd watch you to be sure you were safe. I was curious about the necklace but then I became even more fascinated with you..." He trails off moving closer to me his eyes filling with some other kind of emotion. "I'd watch you read write draw..." He trails off. "I learned a lot about you before you knew I even existed. Then I wanted to meet you I was not intending on getting your ice cream all over your shirt though." He admits.

Not weird at all...

"Your favorite color is blue your favorite place to eat is Pizza Hut you like pepperoni the best. Though you're amazing at drawing it's always a talent you kept hidden nobody knows about it. You're more interested in writing then drawing. You're OCD about things that should be in alphabetical order like files on your computer, your books and movies. You make funny face expressions when writing or watching movies only if you're really into it though." He chuckles at a memory then his gaze meets mine.

I'm not sure rather to be awe struck or horrified.

He stops when his chest is pushed against mine making me stare up at him wondering what else he might say. "Then I found out you are related may be very distant but is still direct to my wife. The more I got around you and actually interacted with you... the stronger my feelings for you got. This...all of this is unforgivable." He sighs sadly shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I took vows it may have been hundreds of years ago but I did. I could have gone back to my wife told her what I was changed her stayed with her forever but it seemed wrong to take her life away. I've not been remotely tempted to look at any woman since her. I'd always felt I should keep my promise to my wife. That I'd never love anyone else..." He trails off his eyes darkening. "And I did love my wife very much...but then I met you." He shrugs. "My feelings for my wife feel like...nothing anymore not since I met you. I'm more in love with you feel stronger for you then I ever did my wife and so fucking wrong." He whispers the last part with a pained expression.

I gasp in shock at the revelation but then he disappears the only trace of him is my curtains moving from the breeze he'd made.

My head spins as I attempt to wrap my head around what he said.

'I'm more in love with you feel stronger for you then I ever did my wife.'

'In love with you.'

"Oh my god." I breath.

My heart pounds so hard against my ribs it's almost painful.

He loves me? How could he possibly love me he barely knows me?

'He knows everything about you!' My conscience argues once again.

Then why did he leave?

'Because he feels guilty.'

"Oh." I breath as I lower myself down onto my bed.

Then what do I feel for him?

'Well whatever the hell it is, it's strong.'

I pull my phone out bringing up Silas's contact but his phone goes straight to voicemail so I quickly text him.

Me: Please come back, we should talk about this.

He always leaves at the worst possible time. 

Even though I wait for him to message me back he never does so I give up and curl up under my blanket forcing my eyes shut. It feels impossible to fall asleep but I somehow manage after tossing and turning for three straight hours. 

School tomorrow is going to suck, is my last thought before I let sleep take me over.

A strange dream takes place I'm standing in an old house it is Silas and Lydia's house but Lydia comes out of a room and smiles at me?


I spin around to see a man behind me. She throws her arms around him kissing him passionately. Was this her husband after Silas?

"I'm really glad you came to see me Richard, it get's so lonely." She says and pecks him again on the lips.

"What are you going to do if Silas finds out? It's not like I can afford to take care of the kids and you." He says softly. 

Oh shit.

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