Chapter 1. Dream

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So, I had this idea. . .

This is a one time deal. As some of you noticed, I took down pretty much ALL of my stories. The reason I took them down is because they aren't edited, they actually have horrible mistakes. As a matter of fact, when I look back on them now, I cringe. I wrote these books before I got good at "show don't tell" and "grammar." Understand these stories are not fixed. However, I know how much some of you would love the opportunity to read them again, one last time, because I took them down without any warning.

For ONLY the month of June, I have decided I'm going to give you guys a treat. I am going to put up all of my stories that were completed. This will not include stories that weren't finished. This is also not going to include the original "BAD THINGS" series. The reason I will not put up the original Bad Things series is because I fixed those books, and I'm currently writing the final book which is the fifth book. I think that after you go back and reread some of these you will understand why I took them down. I think that it will show all of you just how different my writing style is and how I have grown as an author.You won't get the original "His Name Is Lucifer" either because I rewrote it. Hurry up and read them because I'm taking them down by July 1st.


Photo of Lydia up top ^ (Stormi Bree)

Lydia's POV

Today was the worst day of my life and I'm ready to put it behind me that I am sure of. My head hits the pillow mentally exhausted in no time I'm asleep. The deeper I fall into sleep I begin dreaming.

Some part of my mind isn't sure if it's a dream or real...

I smile at my brother Logan and he smiles back at me. "Hey Lydi" He says quietly sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Logan?" I ask in shock I move closer to him, slowly raise my hand and brush it along his jaw. "Where were you? I'm so confused..."

"I can't stay but I want you to know that... you'll be okay." He whispers he pulls me into him and hugs him I inhale deeply through my nose trying to commit the smell of him to memory. I cling to my brother I can't help it.

"Don't leave Logan please." I beg.

"I'm sorry." Is the last thing I hear before he suddenly disappears, I'm alone on my bed. I can't just let him go like that can I?

I quickly run out the door and down the stairs throw the front door open. Being barefoot and in nothing but white short silky shorts and a white spaghetti strap top to match doesn't bother me. 

The streets are dark and empty as I run right up the middle of the road that heads out of town to Dead Man's bridge that goes over Piscataqua River. The bridge had gotten it's name from all the deaths that have surrounded it for years including my brothers.

It becomes darker as the street lights disappear behind me, I hear the rush of water and push myself to run faster.

Once to the bridge it's all lit up from the crazy teenage party that is taking place. People have red solo cups in their hands and dancing around.

Suddenly I see my brother smiling standing on the concrete railing of the bridge he puts his hand out for me and I take it. "You want to come with me?" He whispers.

I smile back and nod. "Take me with you, please." I breath. We stand hand in hand as we stare down at the water rushing fast below us. 

"Ready?" He asks arching an eyebrow and looking down at me.

"I'm ready." I say softly.

Just as I'm about to jump something hits me, something hard.


"Lydia get up!" Mom calls, I groan turning my head to my alarm and opening my eyes. The blue light reads six in the morning, we have a long drive ahead of us. I sigh throwing the purple blankets off of me and climbing out of my queen size bed. 

I grab clothes and walk across the hall to the bathroom I'd been forced to share with my brother for the last year. Though I don't have to share it with him anymore...

Seems so stupid that I threw a fit having to share a bathroom with him and now I wish he was here hogging the bathroom as he always did.

The shower is a quick one because I know I have much to do today. Once out of the shower I get dressed in shorts and a crop top then wipe the mirror off to see my reflection.

Honestly I look like I haven't slept in weeks and that probably  is true. When I do sleep I have these nightmares about being the last place I or anyone saw my twin brother Logan. I quickly cover myself with make up not wanting my parents to see how horrible I look. All of this is hard enough on them and if they see what it's doing to me it might destroy what is left of them.

My bedroom is totally empty apart from a couple boxes my bed which my father tore down while I was in the shower and my night stands. 

"You ready to start hauling stuff out kiddo?" Dad asks, his voice such a surprise that I jump right out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"Uh yeah." I nod.

"Great give me a hand with your mattress." He says and yawns.

My dad looks as tired as I do. "Excited about going back home?" Dad asks as we set down the bed in the Uhaul.

"Yeah I suppose." I say quietly. "Not like things will ever be the same anyways."

Dad looks at me worriedly. "I know honey." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and squeezes. Mom comes out carrying boxes, she looks as though she's in a daze.

My younger sister Lily comes out yawning and stretching. "Why in the hell do we have to leave so early?" 

"Watch your mouth Lily." Dad says sternly him and I walk past my snotty sister back into the house to get more stuff. Lily has been acting out since we moved to Portsmouth New Hampshire from Charleston South Carolina. Lily has been even worse since Logan died, angrier and meaner. You'd think she'd be a little happier being moving here was what made her mad in the first place but it's like the attitude just permanently stuck.

There is some odd legends that have to do with that bridge. My brother vanished there at a party two months ago no sign of him since it was like he vanished into thin air. The only thing of my brothers that was ever found was a cross necklace down on one of the rocks near the waters edge. 

The cops and rescue team searched to no avail, he was just gone. The cops say he must have drowned and the current swept his body away to god knows here.

In an attempt to move on with our lives we held a memorial service for my brother and are now packing up to get out of this town. To escape our now horrible past.

I take one last look around my house though I won't miss this town  I'm always gonna wonder what happened to my brother and it's going to be weird as hell to go home without him.

A/N: Just a warning this book will have some truths and some things that maybe half true half not. I know that in this book not everything is accurate and if it's not accurate that's because it came from my own head.

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