Part 38 - Really?

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From FjcCunanan - Is Classic a REEL punner?

"Well, hate to leave you on the line, but finding fishing puns is reel hard. And I won't be fishing for compliments or anything-"

Luna kissed Classic's cheek, "Shut up... You don't want Blue or Raspberry attacking you, do you?"

He blushed, "No, of course not! I'll stop then. But only for your sake-"

"My god will you two please not do that?!" I growled.

"Do what?"



"Public Displays of Affection..."

"Oh. Wait, why do you care, Milly?"

"Just for the reader's sake."

"Ah. Right. Sorry." Luna smiled.

I nodded, "It's fine. Anyway, Classic, yes, we know you have good fish puns."

"Sure. Just let minnow when I can say more." Classic smirked.

I could hear Blue and Raspberry already.

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