Part 34 - Kawaii!

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From Rainbowcat936 - Trainer Sans I dare you to pet and hug me for 3 minutes. And if you don't, well, I send my rainbow dragon friend at you

"Of course!" Trainer smiled.

I was watching from behind a rock, as he stroked this rainbow cat. I smirked, and took a picture, posting it on the undernet.

Immediately, all the Alphys' responded. They all said the same thing.

So kawaii! ❤❤❤

I was proud of that. When the time was up, Trainer stopped, and spotted me behind the rock. I snickered, holding up my phone. He blushed brightly and chased after me to get the phone.

Best 3 minutes of my life. Trainer had never done that. But, nonetheless, I never gave him my phone. I just sent my Ninetales after him.

Yeah. He stood no chance. Don't mess with fire, or you're going to get B U R N E D.

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