Chapter 40

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"Hey, can't you see I'm walkin' here!" I yell in an awful New York accent, purposefully ramming into Alex's side as we cross a busy crosswalk

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"Hey, can't you see I'm walkin' here!" I yell in an awful New York accent, purposefully ramming into Alex's side as we cross a busy crosswalk.

"Hey, watch where you're goin'!" He plays along, accidentally slamming into my side a little too hard, causing me to run into a business man walking the opposite direction.

"I'm so sorry, sir!" I apologize, but he doesn't even stop to acknowledge me, still briskly walking with his briefcase in hand.

Hearing Alex laugh, I quickly catch back up to him and Milo, swatting Alex on the arm. "You jerk!" I can't help but giggle.

"You started it!" He laughs, and I'm sure if his scarf wasn't covering the bottom half of his face I'd spot his signature grin.

Taking my gloved hand in his, he pulls me closer to him so I don't get lost in the busy crowd.

It's early morning on Christmas Eve and we're in the middle of down town New York because Alex decided to save his Christmas shopping for the last minute. The only reason I'm here with him is because he had a short stint of holiday shows, the last one being last night in his home state of New York. I have a plane to catch later this evening to be back home with my family for Christmas, but until then I agreed to help him with his shopping.

"Here it is," he mumbles while reaching for the door handle of a jewelry shop, pulling me inside, Milo trailing in behind us.

"Hello!" A chipper woman at the front counter greets us. "Anything I can help you with?"

"Actually," Alex says, letting go of my hand and pulling down his scarf so his voice isn't muffled. "I'm here to pick something up." He walks up to the counter and he and the lady chitchat while she rings him up.

While he checks out, I look around at all the shiny, expensive jewelry, careful not to touch anything.

"Ready?" Alex asks after he's paid for the item, adjusting the beanie on his head.

I nod, heading for the door to brace the bitter cold New York air. "What did you get your mom?" I ask, knowing that's what we stopped in the jewelry store for.

"Oh, um, just a necklace." He shrugs, quickly pulling me into another nearby store.

When Alex is done shopping, we go back to his apartment, his arms full of shopping bags. After stepping out of our winter clothes, into something more comfortable, we make some hot chocolate and sprawl out on his living room floor to wrap his presents. I end up doing most of the wrapping, Alex not able to wrap a gift nicely to save his life.

In the midst of wrapping up a designer purse Alex also bought for his mom, my phone rings, my dad's face flashing across the screen.

"Hey," I greet him, excited to see him and the boys in a few hours.

"Hey, Joss, are you still going to be able to make it home?"

"Yeah," I say in confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?"

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