Chapter 11

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I impatiently wait for Joslyn to text me back while sitting in my dressing room, waiting to start the second rehearsal of the day, my last

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I impatiently wait for Joslyn to text me back while sitting in my dressing room, waiting to start the second rehearsal of the day, my last. I was a little upset not seeing her at lunch, wanting her company and to continue our not so accurately numbered little game of twenty-one questions.

Paranoia starts to set in after twenty minutes of her not texting me back. What if I scared her off by snooping trough Chris's stuff to find her paperwork that has her number on it? Hopefully that's not the case, because I really don't want to ruin our blossoming friendship before it even starts.

My doubt slowly starts to fade when I spot Joslyn walking down the hallway briskly, with a purpose. I can only guess she's going to come in here and call me a creep, demanding to know how I got her number. My theory seems pretty solid when she looks up to meet my eyes and slightly shakes her head in disbelief, the corner of her lip tugging up slightly. I playfully smirk at her while giving her a small wave to which she rolls her eyes, smile growing wider.

Halfway through her walk to my room, she is stopped by a guy, maybe a little older than us, with dirty blonde hair and some light facial hair. He jogs up behind her and grabs her elbow to gain her attention, pulling her hazel eyes from mine.

As they talk I can see both of their side profiles. She looks confused as to why he came running after her, and as he starts talking to her, her face turns to one of uneasiness. She looks like she's contemplating whatever he asked her before subtly nodding her head.

He breaks out into a grin as he reaches into his back pocket to pull out his phone, handing it to her. She reluctantly takes it and starts typing away at the screen before handing it back to him. He checks whatever she typed on his phone and then gives her a small wave, bidding her goodbye, before walking away.

"Who was that?" I can't help but ask as she steps foot into my dressing room, sitting on the opposite side of the couch as me.

"Oh, no one," she causally replies.

"I'm pretty sure his name isn't no one."

She rolls her eyes. "His name is Derek. He works on the tour setting up and taking down the stage. I actually ran into him at the grocery store. Funny enough, he's the one who spilled coffee on me the other morning."

"No way." I can't help but laugh at her irony.

"Way." She smiles back.

"What did he want just now?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Oh... um, h-he just asked for my number. Nothing really," she tries to recover coolly, despite nervously playing with her fingers.

Why would he ask for her number? Does she even know him? Does she like him?

"Oh, so you can give your number to him without question, but when I ask I get back a snarky remark," I try to tease her.

She stops playing with her fingers and snaps her head up. "Speaking of which, how did you get my number anyway?" She narrows her eyes at me and slightly tilts her head to the left.

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