Chapter 18

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Slamming the lid of my laptop closed, I let out a frustrated sigh and bring my hands to up my temples to try to relieve some of the ache in my head

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Slamming the lid of my laptop closed, I let out a frustrated sigh and bring my hands to up my temples to try to relieve some of the ache in my head. Leaning back in the desk chair, I close my eyes to try to rid the thoughts and urge of slamming my head repeatedly against the hardwood of the desk.

Tonight, right before the show started, Chris informed me that Alex has a fashion event in L.A. that we have to attend in about two weeks. Apparently Alex landed a deal with a major fashion line making him the new face of the brand, so he's obligated to go to the upcoming fashion show and after party. What I didn't expect was that Chris doesn't have flights, a hotel, or anything booked, hence, him wanting and needing me to do it all.

So, here I am, five hours later still trying to book everything with only less than two weeks' notice. To say that I'm a little pissed off that he pushed this off on me at the last minute would be an understatement.

This must be some huge event because I can't get a decent hotel within thirty miles of the area its being held. Every hotel I've called says that they're booked, and I can't name drop Alex Walker yet because none of the head honchos of the hotels are there. They're all at home, probably sleeping, unlike me.

When Chris told me about all of this it was right before 8:00 p.m. meaning every resource I could use was gone for the night. Regardless, I missed watching the show and everything tonight to try to get something done. Shay even stayed back to try to help me after she got Alex ready for the show, but there was no luck. The furthest we got was booking our flight.

Maybe I'll have better luck in the morning, because right now I'm beyond stressed and too exhausted to keep trying. I know I'm not going to get anywhere until the morning anyway.

Opening my eyes, I glance over at the clock on the nightstand that reads 2:09 a.m. Letting out another sigh, I standup and stretch my aching bones that crack from sitting for so long in front of a computer screen.

Wanting some fresh air, I walk out onto the small hotel room balcony, taking in a deep breath. Normally whenever I'm stressed all I want to do is cry and stuff my face with ice cream. Currently I'm too tired to cry, but I'm dying for some ice cream. I remember seeing an old fashioned diner that said it was open twenty-four hours down the road a few blocks, and I'm certain they would have some.

Gnawing on my bottom lip, I weigh my options. I know it's not a good idea to go wandering around alone at night in an unfamiliar city, but I'm desperate to get a sugar fix to calm my nerves.

Looking to my right, Shay has the blinds of her room closed and there's no signs of movement. She's probably asleep and I'm not even going to dare to wake her. Then, looking to my left, Alex's blinds are closed but I can see a faint illumination through them that brightens and dims every once in a while, indicating his TV is on. 

He was a little bummed tonight when I declined to watch Friends because I was so determined to get everything booked and finalized.

Since his TV is on he's most likely up. Running back into my room I grab my small bag of office supplies and pull out a box of multicolored paper clips. Going back out onto my balcony, I throw a paper clip at his glass door. It makes a light tapping noise, but it's hardly audible.

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