Chapter 10

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When we arrive to the venue, the backstage halls are still flooded with people rushing about to make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow

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When we arrive to the venue, the backstage halls are still flooded with people rushing about to make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow. Alex, Chris, and I make our way through the crowd to the dressing room where there is a woman already in there setting various products on a large vanity.

"Shay!" Alex calls out, his face breaking into a smile.

The curvy woman is most likely in her thirties, sporting silver, purplish hair. She also has a few tattoos littering her arms and a face full of makeup done to perfection.

She looks up from her products to look at Alex through the mirror, grinning herself.

"Hey there, boss," she teases, fully turning around to face us, walking over to give Alex a tight hug.

When they pull apart she runs her hand through his hair, grasping the loose, chocolaty waves. "Ready to buzz it all off?" she asks, a smirk on her face and a glint in her eye.

"Totally," Alex responds sarcastically.

"Don't you dare even think about it," Chris practically seethes.

"Calm down, killer. It was just a joke," Shay says, rolling her eyes. "I have a reputation to uphold and I know shaving his head and having every teenage girl in the world want to kill me is not going to do the trick."

"I knew there was a reason we decided to keep you around," Chris now jokes, typing away at his phone before dismissing himself, going to take care of business elsewhere.

"Oh, Joslyn, this is Shay. Shay, Joslyn." Alex gestures between the both of us.

"Nice to meet you," I say, sticking out my hand to which she swats away. To say I'm offended is an understatement, until she flings her arms around me and gives me a tight hug. I barley register what's going on before I awkwardly return her hug, still in a shock.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger." She giggles, releasing me.

"Oh, no, its fine. I just... wasn't expecting it," I admit with a light chuckle.

"Eh, most people don't." She dismissively waves her hand and goes back to placing more products on the vanity.

"So, Joslyn, what are you doing on this tour?" she asks, looking up to gaze at me through the mirror.

"I'm the new personal assistant."

"Really?" she asks with excitement in her voice, turning to look at Alex for confirmation. "No more Gloria?"

"No more Gloria," he confirms, a smile spreading across his face.

"Thank God!" she yells, throwing her hands in the air. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't stand that woman. She was always so stiff, and quite frankly, she was pretty rude."

"And she smelled like cigarettes and mildew, right?" Alex asks expectantly.

"Now that you mention it... yeah, actually, she kind of did." Shay giggles, nodding her head with her brows pulled together, remembering the woman.

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