Chapter 24

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"You did not!" I gasp, slapping my hand over my mouth to mask my giggles

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"You did not!" I gasp, slapping my hand over my mouth to mask my giggles.

"True story." Derek laughs as we walk back to the venue from the coffee shop. I finally decided to meet up with him so hopefully he'll quit asking me out every other week. "I was such an asshole."

At the coffee shop, right as we were walking out, there was this adorable little girl with her mom. She had a cute sundress on with her golden locks in pigtails. I'm not one hundred percent sure how we got on the topic, but he started telling me a story about how in the first grade he had a tiny crush on this girl in his class that must have looked similar to the little girl. Like most boys that age, instead of being nice to her, he teased her and one day it went too far. Apparently, he ended up sticking his gum in her hair and she had to get most of it chopped off.

"I'll say. I would have murdered you if that was me," I admit, eyes wide still gaping at him in shock.

"I thought she was going to! I mean, I completely understand. That was a total dick move, but funny enough, we're really good friends now." He laughs while shaking his head. "We met back up in high school, I let her scream in my face, and now we're able to laugh about it."

"Wow." I shake my head in disbelief. "Well, hopefully you're not as much of an asshole now as you were back then," I joke.

"No, I've matured a bit. Now, I just spill coffee on pretty girls." He grins, referring to the first time we met at the hotel and his coffee spilled all over my white jeans and shoes.

Heat instantly rises to my face and I quickly dart my eyes away from his, causing him to chuckle.

Walking to the back of the venue, we flash security our passes and they let us in. We make our way backstage and he stops with me in front of Alex's dressing room.

"I'll see you around?" Derek asks.


He steps closer to me, opening up his arms to hug me and I awkwardly walk into his embrace, not expecting him to do that.

"Bye." He smiles as we pull apart and walks down the hallway to go help finish setting up the stage.

Walking into the dressing room, Shay is standing with her arms crossed, weight on one leg, smirking at me.

"What?" I ask, taking a seat on the couch.

I can hear the soft pattering of water and Alex singing in the shower from behind the bathroom door. He must have just finished his workout. I decided to go with Derek while Alex was busy with his trainer.

"I wish I had two noble suitors fawning over me." She continues to smirk, sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

"What do you mean?"

Before she can answer, Chris walks in the doorway. "Shay," he nods his head in acknowledgment. "Mind if I talk to Joslyn for a second? Alone."

"Uh, no." She stands up and shoots me a confused but hesitant look.

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