Chapter 19

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"Yes, uh-huh

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"Yes, uh-huh. No, that's perfect! Thank you so much! Bye." I triumphantly throw my fists in the air as soon as I hang up my phone, dropping it in my lap. "Yes!" I yell out, a huge smile stretching across my face as I close my eyes and lean my head back, relief washing over me.

"You got it?" Alex and Shay seem to ask at the same time, eagerness laced in their voices. Turning around in my swivel desk chair, I can see they're sitting on the edge of their seats on the dressing room couch, eyes wide and hopeful.

My smile only widens as I feverishly nod my head in conformation. They both jump up from the couch to come over and tackle me, forming a bone crushing group hug before shaking my shoulders in victory.

"I knew you could do it!" Alex beams down at me, still resting his hand on my shoulder.

"See, you did all that worrying for nothing," Shay says nonchalantly, walking over to arrange the vanity. She acts like she didn't stay with me for hours yesterday trying to help out, only leading to numerous dead ends.

I just roll my eyes and shake my head, leaning back in my chair to let my nerve stricken mind and muscles finally relax.

"It's no elegant, five star hotel, but it's the best I can do." I shrug, surprisingly not caring too much. I got a decent place given the circumstances, and that's all that matters.

"Darn, I was looking forward to using all the new camping gear I bought for the occasion. Guess I'll just have to return it all," Alex teases, referring to my joke about possibly having to sleep out on the streets if I couldn't find a hotel for the fashion even, playfully pinching my shoulder.

I swat his hand away, trying to fight a smile as I glare at him. "Oh, you can still use it," I joke and fully crack a smile when he mocks a hurt expression, pout on his face, placing his hand over his chest.

I giggle, standing up to brush past him and go flop down on the couch. He walks over, picking up my legs to take a seat, placing them in his lap.

"Knew you could do it," his voice is just above a whisper as he lazily throws his head back against the couch, turning his face towards me to give me a small smile, his large hand giving my leg a light squeeze.

I smile back, whispering a thanks before exhaling out a much needed puff of air, ridding my body of my previous stressor. It's very short lived, though, Chris barging into the room, causing me to jolt up, swinging my legs over the edge of the couch to sit up properly. Alex does the same, straightening up in his seat, and Milo and Shay both turn in alert.

"What the hell is this?" Chris bellows, briskly walking into the dressing room, holding his phone out at arm's length, shoving it in our faces.

Alex and I lean forward, eyes squinted and brows furrowed, trying to see what's pulled up on the screen. As soon as I can make out the photo I feel my breath catch in my throat and my body flush. Alex's body seems to stiffen next to me.

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