Chapter 34

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Joslyn stands in front of the vanity, holding a black dress up to her body

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Joslyn stands in front of the vanity, holding a black dress up to her body. She turns at different angles to examine herself, scowling. Letting out a huff, she throws the dress over the back of the styling chair and walks over to the couch, flopping down next to Shay.

"What's wrong?" Shay asks.

"I don't know what to wear," Joslyn whines.

"What are you talking about? That dress is perfect." Shay points to the dress Joslyn was looking at in the mirror seconds ago.

"But is it too... much?"

"No. You're going to a fancy restaurant opening. It's perfect."

"I guess." Joslyn sighs, letting her head fall back on the top of the couch.

"What time is your date?" Shay asks, looking at her watch.


The word makes my blood boil. Is that what they're calling it?

I can't believe she's actually going out with this Darren guy. Who is he anyway? He practically oppressed her into the date, not taking no for an answer. So I don't know if you can call it a date. It's more of a hostage situation. I know she's talked with the guy a handful of times, but she's never seemed interested.

But what if she does like him?

"In an hour or so," Joslyn grumbles.

At least she doesn't sound happy about it.

"You better start getting ready. Beauty takes time," Shay says.

Joslyn glares at her. "Well, lucky for me, I'm not trying to impress anybody."

Thank God.

"You should. He's cute."

Joslyn gives her a look before chuckling. "I don't think your fiancée would appreciate you calling other men cute."

"What? I'm still allowed to think other men are cute." Shay defends herself. "Just not as cute, and quit stalling! Go get ready!"

Joslyn groans as she stands up from the couch, walking over to grab the dress, making her way to the bathroom.

"And as for you," Shay says, standing up and pointing at me. "Beauty and time make exceptions for no one. Let's get you in the chair."

By the time I'm finished getting ready for the show, Joslyn steps out of the bathroom, making my jaw drop. She's in that little black dress that's fairly modest but hugs her body perfectly. Her hair is curled and there's minimal makeup on her face.

"What do you guys think?" Joslyn timidly asks, holding her arms out and giving a little twirl.

"You look beautiful," I breathe, the words falling out of my mouth like word vomit.

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