Chapter 14

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The next few days of tour go by smoothly, everyone adjusting and figuring out a routine

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The next few days of tour go by smoothly, everyone adjusting and figuring out a routine. Alex and I have seemed to get ours down pat. The second show was nothing like the first schedule wise. The following days and shows have been much more relaxed. We ended up having a lot more down time and later wake-up calls. Alex and I have been getting closer, enjoying each other's company. We even find ourselves hanging out during down time between shows.

I'm currently sitting at the small table at the front of the bus, watching the steam roll off my spoon full of oatmeal. This has become my routine. I typically get up at 9:30 a.m. and slowly get out of my bunk. Before taking a shower, I generally check any emails I've gotten throughout the night and reply. By 10:30 a.m. I'm showered and dressed, quietly making my way to the front of the bus to have my morning coffee and oatmeal.

Everyone on the bus is still asleep, they usually sleep until 11:00 or noon, aside from Chris. He generally gets up a little before me to shower and have breakfast. By the time I'm done he's always hidden away in the back lounge of the bus making phone calls, and probably doing other work related things. Not that I mind. I don't really know what I'd talk to him about anyway if he were to share the front lounge with me in the mornings.

As if on cue, Alex rolls out of his bunk and strolls into the front lounge a few minutes after 11:00 a.m.

"Hey." He shoots me a sleepy smile over his shoulder, reaching into one of the cabinets to grab his usual box of cereal before grabbing a bowl, spoon, and milk to go with it.

"Good morning." I smile back before placing the cooled off oatmeal in my mouth.

He slides into the bench across the table from me, and the table is so small that his knees brush up against mine as we sit and enjoy our breakfast.

"Anything exciting on the agenda today?" he asks after a spoonful of his cereal, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't think so." I hum, checking my planner sitting on the table next to me that I've been filling out. I skim my eyes over the page until they fall on today's date. "Nope. No meetings, radio interviews, or anything big. Just the normal handful of interviews after the meet and greet."


He shovels more cereal into his mouth and finally runs his fingers through his unruly bed head, although it did little to help. Still, he somehow manages to look perfect. Shay would have a heart attack if his hair looked like that on any other occasion though.

An exasperated groan rings throughout the bus. Speaking of the devil, Shay stumbles into the front lounge, eyes barely open, and she's still in her silk baby pink pajamas. She throws herself down onto the couch with a huff before letting out a loud yawn.

"What time is it? It's way too early to be up," she says, feverishly trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes.

"Shay," Alex says pointedly and lets out a laugh. "It's nearly noon."

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