Chapter 20

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"Calm down, thumper," I joke with a chuckle, placing my hand over Joslyn's bouncing thigh

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"Calm down, thumper," I joke with a chuckle, placing my hand over Joslyn's bouncing thigh.

All the way to the airport she's been fidgety. She hasn't stopped anxiously bobbing her leg up and down ever since we claimed some seats at our gate in the busy airport, waiting to board our flight.

Today's the day of the fashion event that takes place later on tonight. It's currently early in the morning and we have to catch an early flight to get to the hotel in time to get me dressed and ready.

Shay is curled up into ball on a seat across from us, eyes closed and mouth slightly parted, clearly not trying to fight off sleep in the slightest. Chris is wandering around aimlessly trying to find some sort of coffee vendor that is willing to make his complicated drink order. And Milo is just... here. Like always.

"Sorry," Joslyn says sheepishly, a small blush and uneasy smile make their way onto her face. Her leg stops bouncing and she brings one of her fidgeting hands up to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"You alright?" I question, giving her thigh a small squeeze.

"Yeah, just not the biggest fan of planes..." she admits, leg uncontrollably starting to bounce again and her gaze shifts back to plane entrance, anxiously waiting for the announcement to board.

I nod in understanding, even though she isn't looking at me.

Just as I'm about to try to comfort her, I see Milo shoot up from his seat. He comes and stands close to me, gaze and body tense. Following his narrowed eyes, I can see a small group of teenage girls starting to come my way. They all have their phones in their hands and they're giggling uncontrollably while whispering to each other. They're full of excitement with their eyes set on me.

"Now boarding flight to Los Angeles," the overhead speaker announces and Joslyn's leg stills.

I give her leg another squeeze to gain her attention and she swings her gaze over to me once more. "Hey, I'll meet you on the plane," I tell her, standing up and removing my hand from her thigh.

She furrows her brows in confusion as to why I'm not boarding the plane now. I jerk my head in the direction of the teenage girls and she looks over her shoulder to spot them.

"Oh," she says, turning back around and nodding in understanding. She stands up, wiping her hands over her jeans before picking up her backpack and swinging it over her shoulder. "Yeah, I'll just get Shay and we'll see you on the plane." She gives me a small smile before side stepping me to try to wake the silver haired stylist.

"Good luck!" I yell to Joslyn before walking away to go meet the teenage girls, Milo right behind me. "Hey, guys." I politely smile to the girls.

After countless selfies, more people showing up over time to swarm me, I finally make my way onto the plane with Milo. My seat is next to him and Chris on the plane. Joslyn and Shay are seated a few rows back.

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